Adicionando o conector
- Este conector inclui integrações de Meta Ads, Instagram Ads e Facebook Insights (dados orgânicos de páginas e posts)
- Faça login na Kondado > clique em CRIAR + > Conector > Facebook
- Dê um nome para o seu conector e, clique em "Continue with Facebook":
- ATENÇÃO: Além de bloqueadores de pop-up, alguns antivirus também podem impedir a exibição do botão "Continue with Facebook". Então, caso você já esteja utilizando o navegador chrome e com uma janela anônima e o botão ainda não esteja aparecendo, desative o seu antivirus por alguns instantes e recarregue a página para que o botão apareça. Reative o seu antivirus após terminar o processo
- Agora você verá uma página de login do Facebook, onde deverá informar as suas credenciais
- Após fazer login com a sua conta do Facebook vinculada a sua conta do Facebook Ads, você precisará dar permissão à Kondado clicando em "Continuar":
- Nesse passo você deve selecionar a conta que você deseja usar para integrar os dados e clique em "Avançar"
- Na página de permissões, deixe todas as opções marcadas com "Sim" e clique em "Concluir"
Nas integrações listadas abaixo, você pode conferir melhor as permissões e níveis de acesso no facebook que a conta que adicionou o conector na Kondado deve ter
💡Veja aqui o guia das dúvidas mais comuns sobre as integrações do Facebook
Gráfico de relacionamento
Clique para ampliar
Contas de anúncio
Campo | Tipo | |
text |
[en] The string act_{ad_account_id}. |
text |
[en] The ID of the Ad Account |
float |
float |
[en] Amount of time the ad account has been open, in days. |
float |
[en] Current total amount spent by the account. This can be reset |
float |
[en] Bill amount due for this Ad Account. |
text |
[en] City for business address |
text |
[en] Country code for the business address |
text |
[en] The business name for the account |
text |
[en] State abbreviation for business address |
text |
[en] First line of the business street address for the account |
text |
[en] Second line of the business street address for the account |
text |
[en] Zip code for business address |
boolean |
[en] If we can create a new automated brand lift study under the Ad Account |
text |
[en] The time the account was created in ISO 8601 format |
text |
[en] The currency used for the account, based on the corresponding value in the account settings |
float |
text |
[en] The entity the ads will target. Must be a Facebook Page Alias, Facebook Page ID or an Facebook App ID |
text |
[en] The name of the entity the ads will target |
float |
[en] The minimum daily budget for this Ad Account |
text |
[en] Name of the account. If not set, the name of the first admin visible to the user will be returned |
float |
[en] The maximum amount that can be spent by this Ad Account. When the amount is reached, related Ad Campaigns are paused. A value of 0 means no spending-cap. Setting a new spend cap only applies to spend AFTER the time at which you set it. Value specified in basic unit of the currency, for example 'cents' for USD |
text |
[en] Tax ID |
text |
[en] Name for the time zone |
Detalhes dos anúncios
Campo | Tipo | |
text |
[en] The ID of the ad |
text |
[en] The ID of the Ad Account |
text |
[en] ID of the ad set that contains the ad |
text |
[en] Name of the ad set that contains this ad |
text |
[en] ID of the ad campaign that contains this ad |
text |
[en] Name of the ad campaign that contains this ad |
timestamp |
[en] Time when the ad was created |
text |
[en] Name of the ad |
text |
[en] The source ad id that this ad is copied from (zero if not a copy) |
text |
[en] The configured status of the ad |
timestamp |
[en] Time when this ad was updated |
text |
[en] The actor ID (Page ID) of this creative |
text |
[en] The body of the ad. Not supported for video post creatives |
text |
[en] Type of call to action button in your ad. This determines the button text and header text for your ad |
text |
[en] Unique ID for an ad creative |
text |
[en] Name of this ad creative as seen in the ad account's library |
text |
[en] The type of Facebook object you want to advertise. Allowed values are: PAGE, DOMAIN, EVENT, STORE_ITEM (refers to an iTunes or Google Play store destination), SHARE (from a page), PHOTO, STATUS (of a page), VIDEO, APPLICATION (app on Facebook), INVALID (when an invalid object_id was specified such as a deleted object or if we do not have permission to see the object. In very few cases, this field may be empty if Facebook is unable to identify the type of advertised object), PRIVACY_CHECK_FAIL (we are missing the permission to load this object type), POST_DELETED (this object_type has been deleted) |
text |
[en] URL for a thumbnail image for this ad creative |
text |
[en] A URL for the image for this creative. We save the image at this URL to the ad account's image library |
text |
[en] Title for link ad, which does not belong to a page |
Estatísticas de anúncios
- Para utilizar esta integração da melhor forma, entenda mais sobre actions, detalhamento, período e janela de atualização
- Entenda as permissões e níveis de acesso que a conta que foi adicionada na Kondado deve possuir no facebook para essa integração funcione corretamente
- Por limitações da API do Facebook, esta integração traz um período máximo de 37 meses (1110 dias) no passado
Objeto principal
Campo | Tipo | |
date |
text |
text |
text |
text |
text |
text |
text |
text |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
text |
Campo | Tipo | |
date |
text |
text |
text |
text |
text |
text |
text |
text |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
text |
Estatísticas de campanhas
- Para utilizar esta integração da melhor forma, entenda mais sobre actions, detalhamento, período e janela de atualização
- Entenda as permissões e níveis de acesso que a conta que foi adicionada na Kondado deve possuir no facebook para essa integração funcione corretamente
- Por limitações da API do Facebook, esta integração traz um período máximo de 37 meses (1110 dias) no passado
Objeto principal
Campo | Tipo | |
text |
text |
text |
text |
date |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
text |
Campo | Tipo | |
text |
text |
text |
text |
date |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
text |
Estatísticas de grupos de anúncios
- Para utilizar esta integração da melhor forma, entenda mais sobre actions, detalhamento, período e janela de atualização
- Entenda as permissões e níveis de acesso que a conta que foi adicionada na Kondado deve possuir no facebook para essa integração funcione corretamente
- Por limitações da API do Facebook, esta integração traz um período máximo de 37 meses (1110 dias) no passado
Objeto principal
Campo | Tipo | |
text |
text |
text |
text |
text |
text |
date |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
text |
Campo | Tipo | |
text |
text |
text |
text |
text |
text |
date |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
text |
Formulários de leads
- Por limitações da API do Facebook, esta integração traz um período máximo de 37 meses (1110 dias) no passado
Objeto principal
Campo | Tipo | |
text |
[en] ID of the lead |
text |
[en] Ad ID for the Lead Ad |
text |
[en] Ad name for the Lead Ad |
text |
[en] Ad Set ID for the Lead Ad |
text |
[en] Ad Set name for the Lead Ad |
text |
[en] Campaign ID for the Lead Ad |
text |
[en] Campaign name for the Lead Ad |
timestamp |
[en] Time this object was created |
text |
[en] Form ID used for the Lead Ads |
boolean |
[en] Indicates whether the lead is organic |
text |
[en] The platform attributed to the Lead |
Métricas de posts
- Todas as métricas de post são lidas considerando-se todo o período de existência do post. Dessa forma, o número de impressões, por exemplo, irá indicar quantas impressões o post teve em sua existência inteira. Para que seja fácil armazenar o histórico das métricas, nós adicionamos a coluna metric_date, que irá indicar a data que aquela métrica para aquele post foi obtida. Além disso, algumas métricas (como por exemplo, visualizações por país) populam mais de uma linha, desta forma, nós criamos uma tabela secundária ("details") que irá conter estas métricas multi-linhas. As métricas simples (que retornam apenas uma linha) irão estar contidas na tabela do objeto principal. Uma listagem e descrição das métricas multi-linha que são retornadas pode ser encontrada ao final desta seção
- Para evitar que seja feita uma leitura completa de todos os posts a cada execução - e também considerando que posts muito antigos não sofrem mais modificação em suas métricas, já que eles podem nem ser mais exibidos - a integração também permite que você configure uma janela de atualização que indica quantos dias após a criação do post as suas métricas devem continuar sendo atualizadas.
- Entenda as permissões e níveis de acesso que a conta que foi adicionada na Kondado deve possuir no facebook para essa integração funcione corretamente
Métricas multi-linha retornadas em "details"
Objeto principal
Campo | Tipo | |
date |
[en] The UTC date when this record was read from the API |
text |
[en] The id of the post |
text |
[en] The id of the page |
float |
[en] The number of times people clicked on anywhere in your posts without generating a story |
float |
[en] The number of times your Page's post entered a person's screen. Posts include statuses, photos, links, videos and more |
float |
[en] The number of people who had your Page's post enter their screen. Posts include statuses, photos, links, videos and more |
float |
[en] The number of times your Page's post entered a person's screen through paid distribution such as an ad |
float |
[en] The number of people who had your Page's post enter their screen through paid distribution such as an ad |
float |
[en] The number of impressions for your Page post by people who have liked your Page |
float |
[en] The number of people who have like your Page who saw your Page post |
float |
[en] The number of times your Page's posts entered a person's screen through unpaid distribution |
float |
[en] The number of people who had your Page's post enter their screen through unpaid distribution |
float |
[en] The number of times your Page's post entered a person's screen with social information attached. Social information displays when a person's friend interacted with you Page or post. This includes when someone's friend likes or follows your Page, engages with a post, shares a photo of your Page and checks into your Page |
float |
[en] The number of people who had your Page's post enter their screen with social information attached. As a form of organic distribution, social information displays when a person's friend interacted with you Page or post. This includes when someone's friend likes or follows your Page, engages with a post, shares a photo of your Page and checks into your Page |
float |
[en] The number of times your Page's post entered a person's screen. This does not include content created about your Page with social information attached. Social information displays when a person's friend interacted with you Page or post. This includes when someone's friend likes or follows your Page, engages with a post, shares a photo of your Page and checks into your Page |
float |
[en] The number of people who had your Page's post enter their screen. This does not include content created about your Page with social information attached. As a form of organic distribution, social information displays when a person's friend interacted with you Page or post. This includes when someone's friend likes or follows your Page, engages with a post, shares a photo of your Page and checks into your Page |
float |
[en] The number of times your videos automatically played for at least 30 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they're shorter than 30 seconds. During a single instance of a video playing, we'll exclude any time spent replaying the video. Returns 0 for reshared videos |
float |
[en] The number of times your videos played for at least 30 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they're shorter than 30 seconds, after people clicked play. During a single instance of a video playing, we'll exclude any time spent replaying the video. Returns 0 for reshared videos |
float |
[en] The number of times your videos played for at least 30 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they're shorter than 30 seconds, by organic reach. During a single instance of a video playing, we'll exclude any time spent replaying the video. Returns 0 for reshared videos |
float |
[en] The number of times your promoted videos played for at least 30 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they're shorter than 30 seconds. For each impression of a video, we'll count video views separately and exclude any time spent replaying the video. Returns 0 for reshared videos |
float |
[en] The number of people who viewed your videos for at least 30 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they're shorter than 30 seconds. During a single instance of a video playing, we'll exclude any time spent replaying the video |
float |
[en] The average time, in milliseconds, people viewed your videos. Only available for videos created after August 25th 2016. Returns 0 for reshared videos |
float |
[en] The number of times your videos played from the beginning to 95%, or more, of its length, by organic reach. During a single instance of a video playing, we'll exclude any time spent replaying the video. Returns 0 for reshared videos |
float |
[en] The number of people who viewed your videos from the beginning to 95%, or more, of its length, by organic reach. During a single instance of a video playing, we'll exclude any time spent replaying the video. Returns 0 for reshared videos |
float |
[en] The number of times your promoted videos played from the beginning to 95%, or more, of its length. For each impression of a video, we'll count video views separately and exclude any time spent replaying the video. Returns 0 for reshared videos |
float |
[en] The number of people who viewed your promoted videos from the beginning to 95%, or more, of its length. For each impression of a video, we'll count video views separately and exclude any time spent replaying the video |
float |
[en] The number of times your videos played for at least 3 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they're shorter than 3 seconds, by organic reach. During a single instance of a video playing, we'll exclude any time spent replaying the video |
float |
[en] The number of people who viewed your videos for at least 3 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they're shorter than 3 seconds, by organic reach. During a single instance of a video playing, we'll exclude any time spent replaying the video |
float |
[en] The number of times your promoted videos played for at least 3 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they're shorter than 3 seconds. For each impression of a video, we'll count video views separately and exclude any time spent replaying the video |
float |
[en] The number of people who viewed your promoted videos for at least 3 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they're shorter than 3 seconds. For each impression of a video, we'll count video views separately and exclude any time spent replaying the video |
float |
[en] The length, in milliseconds, of a video post |
float |
[en] The number of times your videos played for at least 3 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they're shorter than 3 seconds. During a single instance of a video playing, we'll exclude any time spent replaying the video. This includes live views |
float |
[en] The number of people who viewed your videos for at least 3 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they're shorter than 3 seconds. During a single instance of a video playing, we'll exclude any time spent replaying the video |
float |
[en] The number of times your videos automatically played for at least 3 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they're shorter than 3 seconds. During a single instance of a video playing, we'll exclude any time spent replaying the video |
float |
[en] The number of times your videos played for at least 3 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they're shorter than 3 seconds, after people clicked play. During a single instance of a video playing, we'll exclude any time spent replaying the video |
float |
[en] The number of times your videos played for at least 15 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they're shorter than 15 seconds. During a single instance of a video playing, we'll exclude any time spent replaying the video |
float |
[en] The number of times your videos played for at least 60 seconds. This metric is counted only for videos that are 60 seconds or longer. During a single instance of a video playing, we'll exclude any time spent replaying the video |
float |
[en] The number of times your videos played with sound on for at least 3 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they're shorter than 3 seconds. During a single instance of a video playing, we'll exclude any time spent replaying the video |
float |
[en] The total time, in milliseconds, your videos played, including videos played for less than 3 seconds and replays. Returns 0 for reshared videos |
float |
[en] The total time, in milliseconds, your videos played by organic reach. Returns 0 for reshared videos |
float |
[en] The number of stories generated about your Page post ('Stories') |
float |
[en] The total number of times an ad was shown during ad breaks in your videos |
float |
[en] An estimate of the amount you earned from ad breaks in your videos, based on the number of impressions and CPM of ads shown. Actual payments may differ if there are content ownership claims or other adjustments |
float |
[en] The average amount paid by advertisers for 1,000 impressions of their ads in your videos. This number also includes the amount paid to Facebook |
Campo | Tipo | |
date |
[en] The UTC date when this record was read from the API |
text |
[en] The id of the post |
text |
[en] The id of the page |
text |
[en] The name of the metric |
text |
[en] The detail of the metric |
float |
[en] The value of the detail of the metric |
Prévia dos anúncios
- Entenda as permissões e níveis de acesso que a conta que foi adicionada na Kondado deve possuir no facebook para essa integração funcione corretamente
- Por limitações da API do Facebook, esta integração traz um período máximo de 37 meses (1110 dias) no passado
Objeto principal
Campo | Tipo | |
text |
[en] The ID representing a Facebook Page |
text |
[en] The Page's category. e.g. Product/Service, Computers/Technology |
text |
[en] tasks on the page, such as ADVERTISE |
text |
[en] The name of the Page |
text |
[en] Information about the Page. This value maps to the Description setting in the Edit Page Info user interface |
text |
[en] Affiliation of this person. Applicable to Pages representing people |
text |
[en] Artists the band likes. Applicable to Bands |
text |
[en] Dress code of the business. Applicable to Restaurants or Nightlife. Can be one of Casual, Dressy or Unspecified |
text |
[en] The awards information of the film. Applicable to Films |
text |
[en] Band interests. Applicable to Bands |
text |
[en] Members of the band. Applicable to Bands |
text |
[en] Biography of the band. Applicable to Bands |
date |
[en] Birthday of this person. Applicable to Pages representing people |
text |
[en] Booking agent of the band. Applicable to Bands |
text |
[en] Year vehicle was built. Applicable to Vehicles |
boolean |
[en] Whether the Page has checkin functionality enabled |
float |
[en] Number of checkins at a place represented by a Page |
float |
[en] If this is a Page in a Global Pages hierarchy, the number of people who are being directed to this Page |
text |
[en] Culinary team of the business. Applicable to Restaurants or Nightlife |
text |
[en] Current location of the Page |
text |
[en] The description of the Page. Note that this value is mapped to the Additional Information setting in the Edit Page Info user interface |
text |
[en] The director of the film. Applicable to Films |
text |
[en] Subtext about the Page being viewed |
text |
[en] Page estimated message response time displayed to user |
text |
[en] The emails listed in the About section of a Page |
float |
[en] The number of users who like the Page. For Global Pages this is the count for all Pages across the brand. For New Page Experience Pages, this field will return followers_count |
text |
[en] Features of the vehicle. Applicable to Vehicles |
float |
[en] Number of page followers |
text |
[en] The restaurant's food styles. Applicable to Restaurants |
int |
[en] When the company was founded. Applicable to Pages in the Company category |
text |
[en] General information provided by the Page |
text |
[en] General manager of the business. Applicable to Restaurants or Nightlife |
text |
[en] The genre of the film. Applicable to Films |
text |
[en] The name of the Page with country codes appended for Global Pages |
text |
[en] This brand's global Root ID |
boolean |
[en] indicates whether a page has transitioned to new page experience or not |
boolean |
[en] Indicates whether WhatsApp number connected to this page is a WhatsApp business number |
boolean |
[en] Indicates whether WhatsApp number connected to this page is a WhatsApp number |
text |
[en] Hometown of the band. Applicable to Bands |
text |
[en] Time the business opens on Monday (first range). If always open, see is_always_open |
text |
[en] Time the business closes on Monday (first range). If always open, see is_always_open |
text |
[en] Time the business opens on Monday (second range). If always open, see is_always_open |
text |
[en] Time the business closes on Monday (second range). If always open, see is_always_open |
text |
[en] Time the business opens on Tuesday (first range). If always open, see is_always_open |
text |
[en] Time the business closes on Tuesday (first range). If always open, see is_always_open |
text |
[en] Time the business opens on Tuesday (second range). If always open, see is_always_open |
text |
[en] Time the business closes on Tuesday (second range). If always open, see is_always_open |
text |
[en] Time the business opens on Wednesday (first range). If always open, see is_always_open |
text |
[en] Time the business closes on Wednesday (first range). If always open, see is_always_open |
text |
[en] Time the business opens on Wednesday (second range). If always open, see is_always_open |
text |
[en] Time the business closes on Wednesday (second range). If always open, see is_always_open |
text |
[en] Time the business opens on Thursday (first range). If always open, see is_always_open |
text |
[en] Time the business closes on Thursday (first range). If always open, see is_always_open |
text |
[en] Time the business opens on Thursday (second range). If always open, see is_always_open |
text |
[en] Time the business closes on Thursday (second range). If always open, see is_always_open |
text |
[en] Time the business opens on Friday (first range). If always open, see is_always_open |
text |
[en] Time the business closes on Friday (first range). If always open, see is_always_open |
text |
[en] Time the business opens on Friday (second range). If always open, see is_always_open |
text |
[en] Time the business closes on Friday (second range). If always open, see is_always_open |
text |
[en] Time the business opens on Saturday (first range). If always open, see is_always_open |
text |
[en] Time the business closes on Saturday (first range). If always open, see is_always_open |
text |
[en] Time the business opens on Saturday (second range). If always open, see is_always_open |
text |
[en] Time the business closes on Saturday (second range). If always open, see is_always_open |
text |
[en] Time the business opens on Sunday (first range). If always open, see is_always_open |
text |
[en] Time the business closes on Sunday (first range). If always open, see is_always_open |
text |
[en] Time the business opens on Sunday (second range). If always open, see is_always_open |
text |
[en] Time the business closes on Sunday (second range). If always open, see is_always_open |
text |
[en] Legal information about the Page publishers |
text |
[en] Influences on the band. Applicable to Bands |
boolean |
[en] Indicates whether this location is always open |
boolean |
[en] Indicates whether location is part of a chain |
boolean |
[en] Indicates whether the Page is a community Page |
boolean |
[en] Indicates whether the page is eligible for the branded content tool |
boolean |
[en] Indicates whether the page is a Messenger Platform Bot with Get Started button enabled |
boolean |
[en] Indicates whether the page is a Messenger Platform Bot |
boolean |
[en] Indicates whether Page is owned |
boolean |
[en] Whether the business corresponding to this Page is permanently closed |
boolean |
[en] Indicates whether the Page is published and visible to non-admins |
boolean |
[en] Indicates whether the Page is unclaimed |
text |
[en] The Page's Facebook URL |
text |
[en] Members of this org. Applicable to Pages representing Team Orgs |
text |
[en] The default ice breakers for a certain page |
text |
[en] The default quick replies for a certain page |
text |
[en] Indicates what type this page is and we will generate different sets of quick replies based on it. Values include UNKNOWN, PAGE_SHOP, or RETAIL |
text |
[en] The company mission. Applicable to Companies |
text |
[en] MPG of the vehicle. Applicable to Vehicles |
text |
[en] The TV network for the TV show. Applicable to TV Shows |
float |
[en] Overall page rating based on rating survey from users on a scale of 1-5. This value is normalized and is not guaranteed to be a strict average of user ratings. If there are 0 or a small number of ratings, this field will not be returned |
text |
[en] Personal information. Applicable to Pages representing People |
text |
[en] Personal interests. Applicable to Pages representing People |
text |
[en] Pharmacy safety information. Applicable to Pharmaceutical companies |
text |
[en] Pharmacy safety information. Applicable to Pharmaceutical companies |
text |
[en] List of pickup options available at this Page's store location. Values can include CURBSIDE, IN_STORE, and OTHER |
text |
[en] For places, the category of the place. Value can be CITY, COUNTRY, EVENT, GEO_ENTITY, PLACE, RESIDENCE, STATE_PROVINCE, or TEXT |
text |
[en] The plot outline of the film. Applicable to Films |
text |
[en] Press contact information of the band. Applicable to Bands |
text |
[en] Price range of the business, such as a restaurant or salon. Values can be one of $, $$, $$$, $$$$, Not Applicable, or null if no value is set |
text |
[en] Privacy url in page info section |
text |
[en] The productor of the film. Applicable to Films |
text |
[en] The products of this company. Applicable to Companies |
text |
[en] Public transit to the business. Applicable to Restaurants or Nightlife |
int |
[en] Number of ratings for the Page (limited to ratings that are publicly accessible) |
text |
[en] Record label of the band. Applicable to Bands |
text |
[en] The film's release date. Applicable to Films |
text |
[en] The air schedule of the TV show. Applicable to TV Shows |
text |
[en] The screenwriter of the film. Applicable to Films |
text |
[en] The season information of the TV Show. Applicable to TV Shows |
text |
[en] The Page address, if any, in a simple single line format |
text |
[en] The cast of the film. Applicable to Films |
text |
[en] Unique store code for this location Page |
text |
[en] Location Page's store location descriptor |
text |
[en] Unique store number for this location Page |
text |
[en] The studio for the film production. Applicable to Films |
boolean |
[en] Whether the user can add a Donate Button to their Live Videos |
int |
[en] The number of people talking about this Page |
text |
[en] Indicates how the business corresponding to this Page is operating differently than usual. Possible values: differently_open, temporarily_closed, operating_as_usual, no_data |
int |
[en] Unread message count for the Page. Only visible to a page admin |
int |
[en] Number of unread notifications. Only visible to a page admin |
int |
[en] Unseen message count for the Page. Only visible to a page admin |
text |
[en] The alias of the Page. For example, for the username is 'platform' |
text |
[en] Showing whether this Page is verified. Value can be blue_verified or gray_verified, which represents that Facebook has confirmed that a Page is the authentic presence of the public figure, celebrity, or global brand it represents, or not_verified |
text |
[en] The URL of the Page's website |
int |
[en] The number of visits to this Page's location. If the Page setting Show map, check-ins and star ratings on the Page (under Page Settings > Page Info > Address) is disabled, then this value will also be disabled |
text |
[en] The Page's WhatsApp number |
text |
[en] The writer of the TV show. Applicable to TV Shows |
Páginas: lista de posts
Campo | Tipo | |
timestamp |
[en] The time the post was initially published. For a post about a life event, this is the date and time of the life event |
text |
[en] The status message in the post |
text |
[en] The name of the Page, group, or event that created the post |
text |
[en] The id of the Page, group, or event that created the post |
text |
[en] The ID of the post |
text |
[en] The id of the Page we used to read the post |
timestamp |
[en] The time the post was last updated, which occurs when the post was created, edited, or a User comments on a post, expressed as a UNIX timestamp |
Actions e Action Values
"Actions" são elementos extras às integrações de estatísticas de anúncios que trazem informações adicionais sobre a performance das ações realizadas nos anúncios, como conversões realizadas fora do site e dados sobre compras. As actions serão separadas em 2 tabelas: actions e action_values. A tabela de actions irá representar os dados em formato de contagem (por exemplo, número de compras realizadas no site) enquanto a tabelas de action_values representará os dados de valor (por exemplo, valor das compras realizadas no site).
ATENÇÃO: Não confunda a coluna actions_value da tabela actions com a tabela action_values
As tabelas actions e action_values possuem as mesmas dimensões que a tabela de estatísticas principal (por exemplo, se é uma integração de estatísticas de campanha mensal por região, essa será a granularidade dos registros de actions), além de campos que identificam a ação (colunas actions_action_type e action_values_action_type, respectivamente) e a quantificam (colunas actions_value e action_values_value, respectivamente). Também podem ser encontradas nas tabelas de actions e action_values os seus valores utilizando as várias configurações de atribuição (colunas com final 1d_view, 7d_view, 28d_view, 1d_click, 7d_click, 28d_click), que podem ser utilizadas para consulta no lugar das colunas actions_value e action_values_value (respectivamente) caso você utilize uma configuração de atribuição diferente na sua conta do facebook.
Para saber com certeza se você deve utilizar as colunas actions_value e action_values_value ou alguma das outras colunas de atribuição para que o resultado obtido seja o mesmo que o apresentado no relatório da ferramenta, você pode adicionar ao relatório obtido via facebook a columna de attribution setting. Lembrando que, caso algum indicativo de que a configuração deve ser combinada como "Clique de 7 dias ou Visualização de 1 dia" você deverá somar as respectivas colunas na Kondado para obter o mesmo valor da ferramenta. A nossa recomendação é sempre utilizar actions_value e action_values_value, siga a recomendação acima apenas se quiser que os valores fiquem os mesmos que o relatório padrão da ferramenta
Incluimos também na tabela principal o valor padrão (sem a listagem das várias configurações de atribuição) das actions disponívies. Actions estarão com o prefixo “a_” e action_values com o prefixo “value_” no nome do campo
As actions_action_type e action_values_action_type que temos mapeadas são:
Action | Descrição | Tabela |
add_payment_info | Occurs when a user adds payment information during a checkout process. | actions |
add_to_cart | Triggered when a user adds a product to their shopping cart. | actions |
add_to_wishlist | Happens when a user adds a product to their wishlist. | actions |
app_custom_event | Represents a custom event defined within an app. | actions |
app_custom_event.fb_mobile_achievement_unlocked | Indicates that a user has unlocked an achievement within a mobile app. | actions |
app_custom_event.fb_mobile_activate_app | Marks the activation of a mobile app by a user. | actions |
app_custom_event.fb_mobile_add_payment_info | Occurs when a user adds payment information within a mobile app. | actions |
app_custom_event.fb_mobile_add_to_cart | Triggered when a user adds an item to their cart within a mobile app. | actions |
app_custom_event.fb_mobile_add_to_wishlist | Happens when a user adds an item to their wishlist within a mobile app. | actions |
app_custom_event.fb_mobile_complete_registration | Indicates that a user has completed the registration process within a mobile app. | actions |
app_custom_event.fb_mobile_content_view | Marks when a user views content within a mobile app. | actions |
app_custom_event.fb_mobile_d2_retention | Represents a user returning to the app on the second day after installation. | actions |
app_custom_event.fb_mobile_d7_retention | Represents a user returning to the app on the seventh day after installation. | actions |
app_custom_event.fb_mobile_initiated_checkout | Occurs when a user initiates the checkout process within a mobile app. | actions |
app_custom_event.fb_mobile_level_achieved | Indicates that a user has achieved a new level within a mobile app. | actions |
app_custom_event.fb_mobile_purchase | Marks a purchase made within a mobile app. | actions |
app_custom_event.fb_mobile_rate | Triggered when a user rates content within a mobile app. | actions |
app_custom_event.fb_mobile_search | Happens when a user performs a search within a mobile app. | actions |
app_custom_event.fb_mobile_spent_credits | Indicates that a user has spent credits within a mobile app. | actions |
app_custom_event.fb_mobile_tutorial_completion | Marks the completion of a tutorial within a mobile app. | actions |
app_custom_event.other | Represents other custom events defined within an app. | actions |
app_engagement | Occurs when a user engages with an app, such as opening it or interacting with its features. | actions |
app_install | Triggered when a user installs an app. | actions |
call_confirm_grouped | Represents grouped call confirmations. | actions |
checkin | Happens when a user checks in at a location. | actions |
click_to_call_call_confirm | Occurs when a user confirms a call initiated through a click-to-call action. | actions |
click_to_call_callback_request_submitted | Indicates that a user has submitted a callback request through a click-to-call action. | actions |
click_to_call_native_20s_call_connect | Marks a call connection lasting at least 20 seconds initiated through a native click-to-call action. | actions |
click_to_call_native_60s_call_connect | Marks a call connection lasting at least 60 seconds initiated through a native click-to-call action. | actions |
click_to_call_native_call_placed | Occurs when a call is placed through a native click-to-call action. | actions |
click_to_join_new_channel_member | Happens when a user joins a new channel through a click-to-join action. | actions |
comment | Triggered when a user comments on a post. | actions |
commerce_event | Represents events related to commerce activities, such as purchases or product views. | actions |
complete_registration | Indicates that a user has completed a registration process. | actions |
credit_spent | Marks the spending of credits by a user. | actions |
group_join | Occurs when a user joins a group. | actions |
initiate_checkout | Triggered when a user initiates the checkout process. | actions |
interactive_component_tap | Happens when a user taps on an interactive component, such as a button or link. | actions |
landing_page_view | Indicates that a user has viewed a landing page. | actions |
lead | Represents the generation of a lead, such as when a user submits a form. | actions |
leadgen_grouped | Represents grouped lead generation events. | actions |
like | Occurs when a user likes a post or page. | actions |
link_click | Triggered when a user clicks on a link. | actions |
mobile_app_install | Marks the installation of a mobile app by a user. | actions |
offline_conversion | Represents a conversion that occurred offline, such as an in-store purchase. | actions |
offline_conversion.add_payment_info | Occurs when a user adds payment information offline. | actions |
offline_conversion.add_to_cart | Triggered when a user adds an item to their cart offline. | actions |
offline_conversion.add_to_wishlist | Happens when a user adds an item to their wishlist offline. | actions |
offline_conversion.complete_registration | Indicates that a user has completed a registration process offline. | actions |
offline_conversion.initiate_checkout | Occurs when a user initiates the checkout process offline. | actions |
offline_conversion.lead | Represents the generation of a lead offline. | actions |
offline_conversion.other | Represents other offline conversion events. | actions |
offline_conversion.purchase | Marks a purchase made offline. | actions | | Happens when a user performs a search offline. | actions |
offline_conversion.view_content | User views content offline. | actions |
offsite_conversion | Conversion event occurring outside the platform, such as on an external website. | actions |
offsite_conversion.fb_pixel_add_payment_info | User adds payment information on an external site tracked via Facebook Pixel. | actions |
offsite_conversion.fb_pixel_add_to_cart | User adds an item to their cart on an external site tracked via Facebook Pixel. | actions |
offsite_conversion.fb_pixel_add_to_wishlist | User adds an item to their wishlist on an external site tracked via Facebook Pixel. | actions |
offsite_conversion.fb_pixel_complete_registration | User completes registration on an external site tracked via Facebook Pixel. | actions |
offsite_conversion.fb_pixel_custom | Custom event tracked on an external site via Facebook Pixel. | actions |
offsite_conversion.fb_pixel_initiate_checkout | User initiates checkout on an external site tracked via Facebook Pixel. | actions |
offsite_conversion.fb_pixel_lead | Lead generated on an external site tracked via Facebook Pixel. | actions |
offsite_conversion.fb_pixel_purchase | Purchase completed on an external site tracked via Facebook Pixel. | actions |
offsite_conversion.fb_pixel_search | User performs a search on an external site tracked via Facebook Pixel. | actions |
offsite_conversion.fb_pixel_view_content | User views content on an external site tracked via Facebook Pixel. | actions |
omni_achievement_unlocked | User unlocks an achievement across multiple platforms. | actions |
omni_activate_app | User activates an app across multiple platforms. | actions |
omni_add_to_cart | User adds an item to their cart across multiple platforms. | actions |
omni_add_to_wishlist | User adds an item to their wishlist across multiple platforms. | actions |
omni_app_install | User installs an app across multiple platforms. | actions |
omni_complete_registration | User completes registration across multiple platforms. | actions |
omni_custom | Custom event occurring across multiple platforms. | actions |
omni_initiated_checkout | User initiates checkout across multiple platforms. | actions |
omni_level_achieved | User achieves a new level across multiple platforms. | actions |
omni_purchase | User completes a purchase across multiple platforms. | actions |
omni_rate | User rates content across multiple platforms. | actions |
omni_search | User performs a search across multiple platforms. | actions |
omni_spend_credits | User spends credits across multiple platforms. | actions |
omni_tutorial_completion | User completes a tutorial across multiple platforms. | actions |
omni_view_content | User views content across multiple platforms. | actions |
onsite_app_add_to_cart | User adds an item to their cart within an app on Facebook. | actions |
onsite_app_purchase | User completes a purchase within an app on Facebook. | actions |
onsite_app_view_content | User views content within an app on Facebook. | actions |
onsite_conversion.add_to_cart | User adds an item to their cart directly on Facebook's platform. | actions |
onsite_conversion.add_to_wishlist | User adds an item to their wishlist directly on Facebook's platform. | actions |
onsite_conversion.click_to_call | User initiates a call through a click-to-call action on Facebook. | actions |
onsite_conversion.donate | User makes a donation directly on Facebook. | actions |
onsite_conversion.find_location | User searches for a location directly on Facebook. | actions |
onsite_conversion.flow_complete | User completes a predefined flow (e.g., sign-up) on Facebook. | actions |
onsite_conversion.initiate_checkout | User initiates the checkout process directly on Facebook. | actions |
onsite_conversion.lead | Lead generated through Facebook's onsite actions. | actions |
onsite_conversion.lead_grouped | Grouped lead generation events on Facebook. | actions |
onsite_conversion.message_to_buy | User messages a business with purchase intent on Facebook. | actions |
onsite_conversion.messaging_20s_call_connect | Messaging call connects for at least 20 seconds. | actions |
onsite_conversion.messaging_60s_call_connect | Messaging call connects for at least 60 seconds. | actions |
onsite_conversion.messaging_block | User blocks messaging from a business. | actions |
onsite_conversion.messaging_business_calling_call_answered | Call answered from a business within Facebook Messenger. | actions |
onsite_conversion.messaging_business_calling_call_initiated | Call initiated with a business in Facebook Messenger. | actions |
onsite_conversion.messaging_business_calling_call_missed | Call missed from a business within Facebook Messenger. | actions |
onsite_conversion.messaging_business_calling_opt_in_accepted | User accepts opt-in to receive calls from a business. | actions |
onsite_conversion.messaging_business_calling_opt_in_denied | User denies opt-in to receive calls from a business. | actions |
onsite_conversion.messaging_business_calling_opt_in_sent | Business sends opt-in request for calls. | actions |
onsite_conversion.messaging_conversation_replied_7d | User replies to a business within 7 days. | actions |
onsite_conversion.messaging_conversation_started_7d | Conversation started with a business within 7 days. | actions |
onsite_conversion.messaging_first_reply | User's first reply to a business. | actions |
onsite_conversion.messaging_order_created_v2 | User places an order through Facebook's messaging. | actions |
onsite_conversion.messaging_order_shipped_v2 | User's order marked as shipped via Facebook messaging. | actions |
onsite_conversion.messaging_user_call_placed | User places a call via messaging. | actions |
onsite_conversion.messaging_user_conversation_depth_2_message_send | User sends two messages in a conversation on Facebook's platform. | actions |
onsite_conversion.messaging_user_conversation_depth_3_message_send | User sends three messages in a conversation on Facebook's platform. | actions |
onsite_conversion.messaging_user_depth_2_message_send | User sends at least two messages in an ongoing conversation on Facebook's platform. | actions |
onsite_conversion.messaging_user_depth_3_message_send | User sends at least three messages in an ongoing conversation on Facebook's platform. | actions |
onsite_conversion.messaging_user_depth_5_message_send | User sends at least five messages in an ongoing conversation on Facebook's platform. | actions |
onsite_conversion.messaging_user_subscribed | User subscribes to messages from a business on Facebook's platform. | actions |
onsite_conversion.messaging_welcome_message_view | User views a welcome message in Facebook messaging. | actions |
onsite_conversion.other | Other onsite conversions on Facebook's platform. | actions |
onsite_conversion.post_save | User saves a post on Facebook's platform. | actions |
onsite_conversion.purchase | User completes a purchase directly on Facebook's platform. | actions |
onsite_conversion.total_messaging_connection | Total connections made via messaging on Facebook's platform. | actions |
onsite_conversion.view_content | User views content directly on Facebook's platform. | actions |
onsite_web_add_to_cart | User adds an item to their cart on Facebook's web interface. | actions |
onsite_web_app_add_to_cart | User adds an item to their cart within Facebook's web app. | actions |
onsite_web_app_purchase | User completes a purchase within Facebook's web app. | actions |
onsite_web_app_view_content | User views content within Facebook's web app. | actions |
onsite_web_initiate_checkout | User initiates the checkout process on Facebook's web platform. | actions |
onsite_web_lead | Lead generated on Facebook's web platform. | actions |
onsite_web_purchase | Purchase completed on Facebook's web platform. | actions |
onsite_web_view_content | Content viewed on Facebook's web platform. | actions |
outbound_clicks__outbound_click | User clicks a link that directs them off Facebook's platform. | actions |
page_engagement | User engages with a Facebook page (e.g., likes, comments, shares). | actions |
photo_view | User views a photo on Facebook's platform. | actions |
post | User creates a post on Facebook's platform. | actions |
post_engagement | User engages with a post (e.g., reacts, shares, comments) on Facebook's platform. | actions |
post_reaction | User reacts to a post with like, love, etc., on Facebook's platform. | actions |
purchase | User completes a purchase. | actions |
purchase_roas__omni_purchase | Return on ad spend for purchases across multiple platforms. | actions |
rsvp | User RSVPs to an event on Facebook's platform. | actions |
search | User performs a search on Facebook's platform. | actions |
video_p100_watched_actions__video_view | User watches 100% of a video on Facebook's platform. | actions |
video_p25_watched_actions__video_view | User watches 25% of a video on Facebook's platform. | actions |
video_p50_watched_actions__video_view | User watches 50% of a video on Facebook's platform. | actions |
video_p75_watched_actions__video_view | User watches 75% of a video on Facebook's platform. | actions |
video_p95_watched_actions__video_view | User watches 95% of a video on Facebook's platform. | actions |
video_view | User views a video on Facebook's platform. | actions |
view_content | User views content on Facebook's platform. | actions |
web_in_store_purchase | Purchase made in-store but tracked online. | actions |
website_purchase_roas | Return on ad spend for website purchases. | actions |
website_purchase_roas__offsite_conversion.fb_pixel_purchase | Return on ad spend for purchases via Facebook Pixel offsite. | actions |
app_use | User uses an app. | actions |
games.plays | User plays a game. | actions |
offsite_conversion.custom. | Custom offsite conversion event. | actions |
outbound_click | User clicks an outbound link. | actions |
contact_total | Total contact actions by user across all sources. | actions |
contact_website | Contact action taken on a website. | actions |
contact_mobile_app | Contact action within a mobile app. | actions |
contact_offline | Contact action taken offline. | actions |
customize_product_total | Total product customizations by user across all sources. | actions |
customize_product_website | Product customized on a website. | actions |
customize_product_mobile_app | Product customized in a mobile app. | actions |
customize_product_offline | Product customization offline. | actions |
donate_total | Total donations made by user across all sources. | actions |
donate_website | Donation made on a website. | actions |
donate_on_facebook | Donation made on Facebook's platform. | actions |
donate_mobile_app | Donation made in a mobile app. | actions |
donate_offline | Donation made offline. | actions |
find_location_total | Total times user searched for a location across all sources. | actions |
find_location_website | Location search on a website. | actions |
find_location_mobile_app | User searches for a location within a mobile app. | actions |
find_location_offline | User searches for a location through offline means. | actions |
schedule_total | Total scheduling actions taken by the user across all platforms. | actions |
schedule_website | User schedules an appointment or event through a website. | actions |
schedule_mobile_app | User schedules an appointment or event within a mobile app. | actions |
schedule_offline | User schedules an appointment or event through offline methods. | actions |
start_trial_total | Total instances where the user initiates a trial period across all platforms. | actions |
start_trial_website | User initiates a trial period through a website. | actions |
start_trial_mobile_app | User initiates a trial period within a mobile app. | actions |
start_trial_offline | User initiates a trial period through offline methods. | actions |
submit_application_total | Total applications submitted by the user across all platforms. | actions |
submit_application_website | User submits an application through a website. | actions |
submit_application_mobile_app | User submits an application within a mobile app. | actions |
submit_application_offline | User submits an application through offline methods. | actions |
submit_application_on_facebook | User submits an application directly on Facebook's platform. | actions |
subscribe_total | Total subscriptions initiated by the user across all platforms. | actions |
subscribe_website | User subscribes to a service or content through a website. | actions |
subscribe_mobile_app | User subscribes to a service or content within a mobile app. | actions |
subscribe_offline | User subscribes to a service or content through offline methods. | actions |
recurring_subscription_payment_total | Total recurring subscription payments made by the user across all platforms. | actions |
recurring_subscription_payment_website | Recurring subscription payment made through a website. | actions |
recurring_subscription_payment_mobile_app | Recurring subscription payment made within a mobile app. | actions |
recurring_subscription_payment_offline | Recurring subscription payment made through offline methods. | actions |
cancel_subscription_total | Total instances where the user cancels a subscription across all platforms. | actions |
cancel_subscription_website | User cancels a subscription through a website. | actions |
cancel_subscription_mobile_app | User cancels a subscription within a mobile app. | actions |
cancel_subscription_offline | User cancels a subscription through offline methods. | actions |
ad_click_mobile_app | User clicks on an advertisement within a mobile app. | actions |
ad_impression_mobile_app | User views an advertisement within a mobile app. | actions |
add_payment_info | Total value from users adding payment information. | action_values |
add_to_cart | Total value from users adding items to their cart. | action_values |
add_to_wishlist | Total value from users adding items to their wishlist. | action_values |
app_custom_event.fb_mobile_add_to_cart | Total value from mobile app users adding items to their cart. | action_values |
app_custom_event.fb_mobile_add_to_wishlist | Total value from mobile app users adding items to their wishlist. | action_values |
app_custom_event.fb_mobile_content_view | Total value from mobile app users viewing content. | action_values |
app_custom_event.fb_mobile_initiated_checkout | Total value from mobile app users initiating the checkout process. | action_values |
app_custom_event.fb_mobile_purchase | Total value from purchases made within the mobile app. | action_values |
app_custom_event.fb_mobile_search | Total value from searches conducted within the mobile app. | action_values |
app_custom_event.fb_mobile_spent_credits | Total value from credits spent within the mobile app. | action_values |
app_custom_event.other | Total value from other custom events tracked within the app. | action_values |
complete_registration | Total value from users completing registration forms. | action_values |
initiate_checkout | Total value from users initiating the checkout process. | action_values |
lead | Total value from lead generation activities. | action_values |
offline_conversion.purchase | Total value from purchases recorded through offline conversion tracking. | action_values |
offsite_conversion.fb_pixel_add_payment_info | Total value from users adding payment information tracked by the Facebook Pixel. | action_values |
offsite_conversion.fb_pixel_add_to_cart | Total value from users adding items to their cart tracked by the Facebook Pixel. | action_values |
offsite_conversion.fb_pixel_add_to_wishlist | Total value from users adding items to their wishlist tracked by the Facebook Pixel. | action_values |
offsite_conversion.fb_pixel_complete_registration | Total value from users completing registration forms tracked by the Facebook Pixel. | action_values |
offsite_conversion.fb_pixel_custom | Total value from custom conversions tracked by the Facebook Pixel. | action_values |
offsite_conversion.fb_pixel_initiate_checkout | Total value from users initiating the checkout process tracked by the Facebook Pixel. | action_values |
offsite_conversion.fb_pixel_lead | Total value from lead generation activities tracked by the Facebook Pixel. | action_values |
offsite_conversion.fb_pixel_purchase | Total value from purchases tracked by the Facebook Pixel. | action_values |
offsite_conversion.fb_pixel_search | Total value from searches conducted on the website tracked by the Facebook Pixel. | action_values |
offsite_conversion.fb_pixel_view_content | Total value from content views tracked by the Facebook Pixel. | action_values |
omni_add_to_cart | Total value from users adding items to their cart across all platforms. | action_values |
omni_add_to_wishlist | Total value from users adding items to their wishlist across all platforms. | action_values |
omni_complete_registration | Total value from users completing registration forms across all platforms. | action_values |
omni_custom | Total value from custom actions across all platforms. | action_values |
omni_initiated_checkout | Total value from users initiating the checkout process across all platforms. | action_values |
omni_purchase | Total value from purchases across all platforms. | action_values |
omni_search | Total value from searches conducted across all platforms. | action_values |
omni_view_content | Total value from content views across all platforms. | action_values |
onsite_app_add_to_cart | Total value from users adding items to their cart within the app. | action_values |
onsite_app_purchase | Total value from purchases made within the app. | action_values |
onsite_app_view_content | Total value from content views within the app. | action_values |
onsite_conversion.purchase | Total value from purchases made on Facebook's platform. | action_values |
onsite_web_add_to_cart | Total value from users adding items to their cart on the website. | action_values |
onsite_web_app_add_to_cart | Total value from users adding items to their cart within the web app. | action_values |
onsite_web_app_purchase | Total value from purchases made within the web app. | action_values |
onsite_web_app_view_content | Total value from content views within the web app. | action_values |
onsite_web_initiate_checkout | Total value from users initiating the checkout process on the website. | action_values |
onsite_web_lead | Total value from lead generation activities on the website. | action_values |
onsite_web_purchase | Total value from purchases made on the website. | action_values |
onsite_web_view_content | Total value from content views on the website. | action_values |
purchase | Total value from all purchases. | action_values |
search | Total value from all searches conducted. | action_values |
view_content | Total value from all content views. | action_values |
web_in_store_purchase | Total value from in-store purchases recorded through web tracking. | action_values |
A utilização de detalhamentos pode fazer com que algumas actions (por exemplo, actions do tipo offsite, purchases e video_pXX_watched) deixem de ser retornadas devido à configurações de privacidade que impedem a agregação destas actions entre usuários com regras de privacidade mais restritivas (por exemplo, dispositivos IOS). Caso sua action deixe de ser retornada, você pode verificar o comportamento em uma integração sem detalhamentos
Caso opte por incluir um detalhamento na sua integração, o tipo de detalhamento irá inserir dimensões (colunas) adicionais em integrações de estatísticas e refinar melhor como os dados são retornados. São eles:
Impression device + Device platform + Publisher platform + Platform position (Dispositivo + Plataforma do Dispositivo + Plataforma de publicação + Posição na plataforma)
- publisher_platform (text): Which platform your ad was shown, for example on Facebook, Instagram, or Audience Network
- impression_device (text): The device where your last ad was served to someone on Facebook. For example "iPhone" if someone viewed your ad on an iPhone
- device_platform (text): The type of device, mobile or desktop, used by people when they viewed or clicked on an ad, as shown in ads reporting
- platform_position (text): Where your ad was shown within a platform, for example on Facebook desktop News Feed, or Instagram Mobile News Feed
Region + Country (Região + País)
- region (text): The regions where the people you've reached are located. This is based on information such as a person's hometown, their current city and the geographical location where they tend to be when they visit Facebook
- country (text): The countries where the people you've reached are located. This is based on information such as a person's hometown, their current city and the geographical location where they tend to be when they visit Facebook
Age + Gender (Idade + Gênero)
- age (text): The age range of the people you've reached
- gender (text): Gender of people you've reached. People who don't list their gender are shown as 'not specified'
Hourly by advertiser time zone (Horário do anunciante)
Hourly breakdown aggregated by the time ads were delivered in the advertiser's time zone. For example, if your ads are scheduled to run from 9 AM to 11 AM, but they reach audiences in multiple time zones, they may deliver from 9 AM to 1 PM in the advertiser's time zone. Stats will be aggregated into four groups 9 AM - 10 AM, 10 AM - 11 AM, 11 AM - 12 PM, and 12 PM - 1 PM.
Hourly by audience time zone (Horário da audiência)
Hourly breakdown aggregated by the time ads were delivered in the audiences' time zone. For example, if your ads are scheduled to run from 9 AM to 11 AM but they reach audiences in multiple time zones, they may deliver from 9 AM to 1 PM in the advertiser's time zone. Stats will be aggregated into two groups 9 AM - 10 AM and 10 AM - 11 AM.
Indica que não é utilizado detalhamento
Após algumas alterações de privacidade dos fabricantes de sistemas operacionais (eg: iOS) o Facebook passou a não conseguir mais reportar precisamente actions que acontecem fora das suas plataformas, como aquelas disparadas por pixels. Desta forma, quando é utilizado algum detalhamento, as actions disparadas por pixels irão retornar nulas ou mesmo trazer o valor "unknown" para as colunas de detalhamento. Assim, caso você queira ter a informação de actions realizadas fora das plataformas (ou seja, aquelas que não sejam "impressions", "like", "click" e que sejam disparadas por pixels como "purchase" e "conversion") recomendamos que você não utilize nenhum detalhamento. Veja mais informações na documentação do facebook
O período define a granularidade da coluna metric_date. Ele é útil para melhor mensuração de algumas métricas do tipo "count distinct" que podem ser diferentes em uma somatória mensal (com granularidade mensal) versus somatória dos dias do mês (com granularidade diária), por exemplo unique_clicks - se um mesmo usuário clicou no seu anúncio todos os dias de um mês, ele será contado como um clique por dia em uma granularidade diária, mas se for somado, ele será considerado 30 cliques para um mês. O correto, neste caso, seria considerar apenas 1 clique do usuário no mês, utilizando o período mensal na integração.
Para o período "lifetime" cada execução irá trazer date_start 1110 dias (37 meses) anteriores à leitura
Janela de atribuição/janela de atualização
Este parâmetro indica quandos dias anteriores ao savepoint os dados continuarão sendo atualizados. Isso quer dizer que, com uma integração que tenha janela de 7 dias, a cada execução, serão lidos 7 dias de resultados. Essa janela é útil caso, em algumas situações, os dados do "passado" ainda podem ser alterados. Como é o caso de uma conversão externa por um usuário que foi impactado por um anúncio mas só converteu de fato 3 dias depois - ele é atribuído como uma conversão de 3 dias atrás, alterado o passado. Você deve deixar este parâmetro de acordo com o valor da sua janela de atribuição do facebook e ajustar a frequência de acordo para evitar um consumo excessivo de registros do seu plano.
Permissões e níveis de acesso para Ads
A conta que autoriza o conector do facebook na Kondado deve possuir:
- Ao menos acesso de funcionário com a opção de visualizar performance habilitada para a conta de anúncio a permissão de analista de conta de anúncio também é válida
- Se o perfil for de agência, é necessário permissão de Page Admin
- Se a página for do tipo "Nova experiência", é necessário "Acesso Parcial" à página
- Entenda como adicionar e gerenciar usuários aqui
- Recomendamos também que sejam dadas as permissões à página descritas aqui
Permissões e níveis de acesso para páginas
- É necessário acesso de Administrador à página
- Se estiver sendo usado o Business Manager, é necessário acesso mínimo de Page editor
- Se a página for do tipo "Nova experiência", é necessário um "Acesso Parcial" à página
- Se o perfil for de agência, é necessário permissão de Page Admin
- Entenda como adicionar usuários utilizando o Business Manager
- Entenda como gerenciar acesso à sua página
Atraso na atualização dos dados de Ads
Pode haver um atraso de até 5 dias na agregação dos dados de anúncios [1], [2]
Esta documentação foi parcialmente gerada com o auxílio de ferramentas de IA. Embora tenham sido feitos esforços para garantir a precisão, algumas informações podem estar incompletas ou incorretas. Por favor, verifique detalhes críticos e consulte recursos adicionais, se necessário