Adicionando o conector
Baseado na documentação da API do
Este conector está em modo beta
- Siga as instruções abaixo com um usuário administrador (admin) ou desenvolvedor (developer)
1) Acesse o site e faça login em | A new way of working utilizando um usuário com o perfil admin ou developer
Para usuários com outro perfil, os passos serão diferentes e as integrações podem não funcionar como esperado
2) Após fazer login, clique no seu avatar no canto superior direito da tela para abrir o menu suspenso e clique em “Desenvolvedores”

3) Na página de desenvolvedores, vá para “Meus tokens de acesso”, clique em mostrar e copie o valor exibido na caixa da página

4) Faça login na platforma da Kondado, selecione o conector do, dê um nome para o seu conector e, em “Access Token”, cole o valor obtido no passo 3

Agora basta clicar em SALVAR para começar a receber dados do no seu Data Warehouse, Data Lake ou planilha
- Configurações de quadros
- Itens de quadro
- Itens: Conversas (atualizações)
- Logs de atividades
- Usuarios
Gráfico de relacionamento
Clique para ampliar
Para as integrações onde é possível deletar registros, você pode escolher utilizar a integração no modo integral no último passo do processo de criação caso queira que estas alterações sejam refletidas em sua integração. Caso contrário, registros removidos continuarão em suas tabelas.
Para a integração de itens de quadros, elementos que exibam o texto de opções selecionadas (por exemplo, para campos do tipo lista de opções), utilizar a integração incremental não irá atualizar o texto já escrito na tabela caso a opção tenha seu texto alterado. Para estes casos, recomendamos utilizar o modo integral
A alteração de alguns campos pode não refletir na data de atualização do registro – por exemplo, para campos alterados de maneira automática ou via integração. Para estes casos, recomendamos utilizar o modo integral
Itens de quadro
Campo | Tipo | |
text |
[en] id of the item |
timestamp |
text |
[pt] Name of the item |
text |
[pt] State of the item |
text |
[en] The unique identifier of the board. |
text |
[en] The id of the group that item belongs. |
text |
[en] The title of the group that item belongs. |
text |
[en] The unique identifier of the board's workspace. Returns null for the Main workspace. |
text |
[en] If item is a subitem, the id of its parent |
text |
[en] an example of a custom property |
float |
[en] an example of a custom property |
date |
[en] an example of a custom property |
Itens: Conversas (atualizações)
Objeto principal
Campo | Tipo | |
text |
[en] The update's unique identifier. |
text |
[en] The update's item ID. |
text |
[en] The update's text body. |
timestamp |
[en] The update's creation date. |
text |
[en] Id of the user that created this update. |
text |
[en] Name of the user that created this update. |
Campo | Tipo | |
text |
[en] The parent update's unique identifier. |
text |
[en] The update's reply text body. |
timestamp |
[en] The update's reply creation date. |
text |
[en] The update's reply creator name. |
text |
[en] The update's reply creator id. |
text |
[en] The update's reply ID. |
Logs de atividades
Campo | Tipo | |
text |
[en] The unique identifier of the activity log event. |
text |
[en] The unique identifier of the account that initiated the event. |
timestamp |
[en] The time of the event. |
text |
[en] The entity of the event that was changed: pulse or board. |
text |
[en] The action that took place. |
text |
[en] The unique identifier of the user who initiated the event. |
text |
[en] The id of a pulse transference from boards availabe when the event is one of: move_pulse_from_board, move_pulse_into_board, move_pulse_from_group, move_pulse_into_group |
text |
[en] The board id, used in all types of logs |
text |
[en] The colum id (string), availabe when the event is one of: create_column change_column_settings, update_column_name, delete_column, restore_column |
text |
[en] The column title, availabe when the event is one of: create_column, change_column_settings, update_column_name, delete_column, restore_column |
text |
[en] The column type, availabe when the event is one of: create_column, change_column_settings, update_column_name, delete_column, restore_column |
text |
[en] Id of the board that will receive the moved item, availabe when the event is one of: move_pulse_from_board, move_pulse_into_board |
text |
[en] The type of board to which the pulse was moved, used in move_pulse_from_board, move_pulse_into_board |
text |
[en] The name of board to which the pulse was moved, used in move_pulse_from_board, move_pulse_into_board |
text |
[en] The color of the group to which the pulse was moved, used in move_pulse_from_group, move_pulse_into_group |
text |
[en] The id of the group to which the pulse was moved, used in move_pulse_from_group, move_pulse_into_group |
boolean |
[en] The hierarchy of the group to which the pulse was moved, used in move_pulse_from_group, move_pulse_into_group |
text |
[en] The title of the group to which the pulse was moved, used in move_pulse_from_group, move_pulse_into_group |
text |
[en] The group color, availabe when the event is one of: move_pulse_from_group, move_pulse_into_group, create_group, update_group_name, update_group_color, delete_group, archive_group, restore_group and create_pulse |
text |
[en] The group id, availabe when the event is one of: move_pulse_from_group, move_pulse_into_group, create_group, update_group_name, update_group_color, delete_group, archive_group and restore_group |
text |
[en] The group name, availabe when the event is one of: move_pulse_from_group, move_pulse_into_group, create_group, update_group_name, update_group_color, delete_group, archive_group and restore_group |
text |
[en] The group title, availabe when the event is one of: move_pulse_from_group, move_pulse_into_group, create_group, update_group_name, update_group_color, delete_group, archive_group and restore_group |
boolean |
[en] When this is a batch action, availabe when the event is one of: move_pulse_from_board, move_pulse_into_board, move_pulse_from_group, move_pulse_into_group |
boolean |
[en] Whenever a colum has hide permissions |
boolean |
[en] Whenever has more than one group, one stay on top, used in create_group, update_group_name, update_group_color, delete_group, archive_group, restore_group |
boolean |
[en] When this is an undo action, availabe when the event is one of: restore_pulse, board_view_restored, restore_group, restore_column |
text |
[en] The item id, availabe when the event is one of: subscribe or add_owner |
text |
[en] The item name, availabe when the event is one of: subscribe or add_owner |
text |
[en] The item type, availabe when the event is one of: subscribe or add_owner |
text |
[en] The old value of color, availabe when the event is : update_group_color |
boolean |
[en] When a board nickname was modified, this represents if is a hidden val |
text |
[en] The old value of labes availabe when the event is: update_column_name |
text |
[en] The old name value availabe when the event is one of: update_board_nickname, update_name, update_group_name, update_column_name |
text |
[en] When a permission was updated, this is the new value, availabe when the event is one of:update_board_permissions, update_board_view_permissions |
text |
[en] The old name in plural availabe when the event is one of: update_board_nickname, update_name, update_group_name, update_column_name |
text |
[en] The old preset type availabe when the event is one of: update_board_nickname, update_name, update_group_name, update_column_name |
text |
[en] The old name in singular availabe when the event is one of: update_board_nickname, update_name, update_group_name, update_column_name |
float |
[en] The old value state value of a pulse availabe when the event is one of: delete_pulse, archive_pulse, restore_pulse |
text |
[en] The id of the pulse, availabe when the event is one of: subscribe, add_owner, create_pulse, delete_pulse, archive_pulse, restore_pulse, move_pulse_from_board, move_pulse_into_board, move_pulse_from_group or move_pulse_into_group |
text |
[en] The name of the pulse, availabe when the event is one of: subscribe, add_owner, create_pulse, delete_pulse, archive_pulse, restore_pulse, move_pulse_from_board, move_pulse_into_board, move_pulse_from_group or move_pulse_into_group |
text |
[en] The if of board, availabe when the event is one of: move_pulse_from_board, move_pulse_into_board, move_pulse_from_group, move_pulse_into_group |
text |
[en] The kind of the source board, availabe when the event is one of: move_pulse_from_board, move_pulse_into_board, move_pulse_from_group, move_pulse_into_group |
text |
[en] The name of the source board, availabe when the event is one of: move_pulse_from_board, move_pulse_into_board, move_pulse_from_group, move_pulse_into_group |
text |
[en] The color of the source board, availabe when the event is one of: move_pulse_from_board, move_pulse_into_board, move_pulse_from_group, move_pulse_into_group |
text |
[en] The id of the source board, availabe when the event is one of: move_pulse_from_board, move_pulse_into_board, move_pulse_from_group, move_pulse_into_group |
boolean |
[en] When a pulse is moved from a board, if it comes from a top group availabe when the event is one of: move_pulse_from_board, move_pulse_into_board, move_pulse_from_group, move_pulse_into_group |
text |
[en] The source board title availabe when the event is one of: move_pulse_from_board, move_pulse_into_board, move_pulse_from_group, move_pulse_into_group |
text |
[en] The user id availabe when the event is one of: subscribe, unsubscribe |
text |
[en] Text value availabe when the event is: update_column_value |
text |
[en] The id of the view availabe when the event is: board_view_added, board_view_deleted, board_view_changed, board_view_enabled, board_view_disabled, board_view_regenerate_token, board_view_restored, board_view_duplicated |
text |
[en] New color availabe when the event is: update_group_color |
text |
[en] The new value of labes availabe when the event is: update_column_name |
text |
[en] The new value of name availabe when the event is one of: create_pulse, delete_pulse, archive_pulse, restore_pulse, move_pulse_from_board, move_pulse_into_board, move_pulse_from_group, move_pulse_into_group |
text |
[en] The neu permission availabe when the event is one of: update_board_permissions, update_board_view_permissions |
text |
[en] The plural name of field availabe when the event is one of: update_board_nickname, update_group_name, update_column_name, update_name |
text |
[en] The preset name of field availabe when the event is one of: update_board_nickname, update_group_name, update_column_name, update_name |
text |
[en] The singular name of field availabe when the event is one of: update_board_nickname, update_group_name, update_column_name, update_name |
float |
[en] New pulse state availabe when the event is one of: delete_pulse, archive_pulse, restore_pulse. |
text |
[en] The new value availabe when the event is one of: update_column_value, update_name, update_board_nickname, create_update, update_group_name, update_group_color, update_column_name, update_board_permissions, update_board_view_permissions |
text |
[en] The new view type availabe when the event is one of: update_board_view_permissions, board_view_added, board_view_deleted, board_view_changed, board_view_enabled, board_view_disabled, board_view_regenerate_token, board_view_restored, board_view_duplicated |
text |
[en] The item's column values. |
Objeto principal
Campo | Tipo | |
text |
[en] The user's unique identifier. Configurações de quadros > users_subscribers > users_subscribers_id |
text |
text |
text |
[en] The user's date of birth. |
text |
[en] The user's country code. |
timestamp |
[en] The user's creation date |
text |
[en] The user's language. |
text |
[en] The user's email. |
boolean |
[en] Returns true if the user is enabled. |
boolean |
[en] Returns true if the user is an admin. |
boolean |
[en] Returns true if the user is a guest. |
boolean |
[en] Returns true if the user didn't confirm their email yet. |
boolean |
[en] Returns true if the user verified their email. |
boolean |
[en] Returns true if the user is only a viewer. |
timestamp |
[en] The date the user joined the account |
timestamp |
[en] The last date and time the user was active |
text |
[en] The user's location. |
text |
[en] The user's mobile phone number. |
text |
[en] The user's name. |
text |
[en] The user's out-of-office status. |
text |
[en] The user's phone number. |
text |
[en] Returns the URL of the user's uploaded photo in its original size. |
text |
[en] Returns the URL of the user's uploaded photo in a small size (150×150 px). |
text |
[en] Returns the URL of the user's uploaded photo in thumbnail size (100×100 px). |
text |
[en] Returns the URL of the user's uploaded photo in a small thumbnail size (50×50 px). |
text |
[en] Returns the URL of the user's uploaded photo in tiny size (30×30 px). |
text |
[en] The product the user first signed up to. |
text |
[en] The user's timezone identifier. |
text |
[en] The user's title. |
text |
[en] The user's profile URL. |
float |
[en] The user’s UTC hours difference. |
Configurações de quadros
Objeto principal
Campo | Tipo | |
text |
[en] The board's unique identifier. |
text |
[en] The unique identifier of the folder that contains the board(s). Returns null if the board is not in a folder. |
text |
[en] The type of board: public, private, or share. |
text |
text |
[en] The board's description. |
text |
[en] The nickname for items on the board. Can be a predefined or custom value. |
float |
[en] The number of items on the board. |
text |
[en] The board's name. |
text |
[en] The board's permissions: everyone, collaborators, assignee, or owners. |
text |
[en] The board's state: all, active, archived, or deleted. |
text |
text |
[en] The board's object type: board, sub_items_board, document, or custom_object. |
timestamp |
[en] The last time the board was updated. |
text |
[en] The unique identifier of the board's workspace. Returns null for the Main workspace. |
text |
[en] The name from that workspace. |