Adicionando o conector
Baseado na documentação da API do Toggl
Este conector está em modo beta
- Siga as instruções abaixo com um usuário Workspace administrator
1) Faça login em sua conta Toggl acesse sua página de perfil em e copie o valor de API Token

2) Faça login na plataforma da Kondado, clique para criar um novo conector Toggl e cole em “API Token” o valor obtido no passo 1

Agora basta clicar em SALVAR e criar suas integrações para começar a receber dados do Toggl no seu Data Warehouse, Data Lake ou planilha
- Clientes
- Grupos
- Projetos
- Projetos: grupos
- Projetos: usuários
- Tags
- Tarefas
- Time entries
- Workspaces
- Workspaces: usuários
Gráfico de relacionamento
Clique para ampliar
Campo | Tipo | |
text |
[en] Client ID |
boolean |
timestamp |
[en] When was the last update |
text |
[en] Name of the client |
text |
[en] Workspace ID |
Objeto principal
Campo | Tipo | |
text |
[en] Numeric ID of the group. |
timestamp |
[en] When was created/last modified |
text |
[en] Group name |
text |
[en] List of group workspaces |
Campo | Tipo | |
text |
[en] Numeric ID of the group. |
text |
[en] User avatar URL |
boolean |
text |
text |
Objeto principal
Campo | Tipo | |
text |
[en] Project ID |
boolean |
[en] Indicates if the project is active |
float |
[en] Actual hours spent on the project |
float |
[en] Actual seconds spent on the project |
timestamp |
[en] Timestamp of last update |
boolean |
[en] Indicates if auto estimates are enabled for the project |
boolean |
[en] Indicates if the project is billable |
text |
[en] ID of the client associated with the project |
text |
[en] Color associated with the project |
timestamp |
[en] Project creation timestamp |
text |
[en] Currency used for billing |
float |
[en] Estimated hours for the project |
float |
[en] Estimated seconds for the project |
float |
[en] Fixed fee for the project |
boolean |
[en] Indicates if the project is private |
text |
[en] Project name |
float |
[en] Hourly rate for the project |
timestamp |
[en] Timestamp of the last update to the rate |
boolean |
[en] Indicates if the project is recurring |
text |
[en] Timestamp of when the project was deleted on the server |
date |
[en] Start date of the project |
text |
[en] Current status of the project |
boolean |
[en] Indicates if the project is a template |
text |
[en] Template ID of the project |
text |
[en] Project workspace ID |
Campo | Tipo | |
text |
[en] Project ID |
text |
[en] Custom recurring period |
float |
[en] Estimated seconds for recurring parameters |
text |
[en] End date for recurring parameters |
date |
[en] Start date for recurring parameters |
text |
[en] Recurring period type |
date |
[en] Project start date for recurring parameters |
Projetos: grupos
Campo | Tipo | |
text |
[en] Refers to the unique identifier of the specific record. |
text |
[en] It's a unique identifier for the group. |
text |
[en] It's the unique identifier of the project to which the group belongs. |
text |
[en] Represents the unique identifier of the workspace where the project and the group are located. |
Projetos: usuários
Campo | Tipo | |
text |
[en] Unique identifier of the project user |
text |
[en] Identifier of the user associated with this project |
text |
[en] Identifier of the associated project |
text |
[en] Identifier of the group this project user belongs to, if applicable |
timestamp |
[en] Timestamp of the last update to the project user |
float |
[en] Total labour cost for the user on this project |
boolean |
[en] Indicates whether the user is a manager of the project |
float |
[en] Hourly rate of the user for this project |
timestamp |
[en] Timestamp of the last update to the user's rate |
text |
[en] Identifier of the workspace this project user belongs to |
Registros de tempo
Campo | Tipo | |
text |
[en] Unique identifier of the time entry |
timestamp |
[en] Timestamp indicating the last time the entry was updated |
boolean |
[en] Indicates if the time entry is billable |
float |
[en] The billable amount for the time entry in cents |
text |
[en] Currency used for billing |
text |
[en] Description of the time entry |
float |
[en] Hourly rate for the time entry in cents |
text |
[en] Identifier of the project to which the time entry is associated |
float |
[en] Duration of the time entry in seconds |
timestamp |
[en] Start time of the time entry |
timestamp |
[en] Stop time of the time entry |
text |
[en] List of tag identifiers associated with the time entry |
text |
[en] Identifier of the task to which the time entry is associated |
text |
[en] Unique identifier of the user |
text |
[en] Name of the user |
text |
[en] Indicates the associated workspace for the given entry. |
Campo | Tipo | |
text |
[en] TAG ID |
timestamp |
[en] IWhen was created/last modified |
text |
[en] TAG name |
text |
[en] TAG Workspace |
Campo | Tipo | |
text |
[en] Unique identifier of the task |
boolean |
[en] Indicates whether the task is active |
timestamp |
[en] Timestamp of the last update to the task |
float |
[en] Estimated seconds for the task |
text |
[en] Name of the task |
text |
[en] Identifier of the project this task is associated with |
boolean |
[en] Indicates whether the task is recurring |
float |
[en] Total tracked seconds for the task |
text |
[en] Identifier of the user associated with this task |
text |
[en] Identifier of the workspace this task belongs to |
Campo | Tipo | |
text |
[en] Workspace ID |
boolean |
[en] List of admins |
timestamp |
[en] Creation time |
boolean |
text |
text |
[en] Default currency, premium feature, optional, only for existing WS, will be 'USD' initially |
float |
[en] The default hourly rate, premium feature, optional, only for existing WS, will be 0.0 initially |
boolean |
text |
timestamp |
text |
text |
[en] Workspace name |
boolean |
[en] Only admins will be able to create projects, optional, only for existing WS, will be false initially |
boolean |
[en] Only admins will be able to create tags, optional, only for existing WS, will be false initially |
boolean |
[en] Whether only admins will be able to see billable rates, premium feature, optional, only for existing WS. Will be false initially |
boolean |
[en] Only admins will be able to see the team dashboard, optional, only for existing WS, will be false initially |
text |
[en] Numeric ID of the organization |
boolean |
float |
boolean |
[en] Whether projects will be set as billable by default, premium feature, optional, only for existing WS. Will be true initially |
timestamp |
[en] Date of last update in the 'rate' field |
boolean |
[en] Whether reports should be collapsed by default, optional, only for existing WS, will be true initially |
text |
[en] A user's level of access and permissions in a workspace. |
float |
[en] Default rounding, premium feature, optional, only for existing WS |
float |
[en] Default rounding in minutes, premium feature, optional, only for existing WS |
timestamp |
boolean |
text |
text |
text |
timestamp |
text |
text |
text |
text |
text |
text |
text |
timestamp |
text |
text |
float |
text |
timestamp |
Workspaces: usuários
Campo | Tipo | |
text |
[en] User ID |
text |
[en] User's email |
text |
[en] User's full name |
boolean |
boolean |
[en] If 'True', user with invitation accepted in Workspace. |
boolean |
[en] If 'True', user has admin permissions on the workspace. |
text |
[en] Project workspace ID |