Adicionando o conector
Baseado na documentação da API do ActiveCampaign
Este conector está em modo beta
- Siga as instruções abaixo com um usuário com permissão para administrar ou apenas ler todas as entidades do activeCampaign
Caso seu usuário não possua essas permissões peça para um administrador dessa conta para dar as permissões seguindo o passo a passo:
Para dar ao usuario permissões você precisa criar um grupo de usuários e dar permissões ao grupo. Todas as permissões aplicadas a aquele grupo afetam todos os usuários no grupo
Com permissão de usuário você pode precisa das permissões para interagir com:
- Lists
- Campaigns
- Subscription Forms
- Templates
- Deals
- Accounts
- Contacts
- Automations
- Reports
- Saved Responses
- Landing Pages
- Web Personalization
Para criar um grupo e dar permissões para ele:
- Click “Settings” > “Users and Group” no menu da esquerda.
- Click on the “Groups” tab.
- Click “Add Group.”
- Complete a informação na aba “Info” e selecione as permissões para esse grupo (todas).
- Na aba “Permissions” , selecione todas as permissões.
- Na aba “Limits” não marque nada.
- Depois clique em “add group”.
1) Faça login na sua conta do ActiveCampaign, na barra lateral esquerda, selecione “Settings”

2) No segundo menu, selecione “Developer”

3) Copie os valores de “URL” e “Key”

4) Faça login na plataforma da Kondado, vá para a seção de acionar conectores e selecione o conector do ActiveCampaign
5) Dê um nome para o seu conector e, em URL e Key, cole os valores obtidos no passo 3

Agora basta clicar em SALVAR para começar a receber dados do ActiveCampaign no seu Data Warehouse ou Data Lake
- Accounts
- Accounts: contacts
- Accounts: custom fields (data)
- Accounts: custom fields (meta)
- Accounts: notes
- Campaigns
- Campaigns: messages
- Campaigns: messages: content
- Contacts
- Contacts: custom fields (data)
- Contacts: custom fields (meta)
- Contacts: list activity
- Contacts: notes
- Contacts: tags
- Contacts: tasks
- Deals
- Deals: activities
- Deals: custom fields (data)
- Deals: custom fields (meta)
- Deals: secondary contacts
- Deals: tasks
- Lists
- Lists: contacts
- Pipelines
- Scores
- Tasks: outcomes
- Tasks: types
- User groups
- Users
Gráfico de relacionamento
Clique para ampliar
Campo | Tipo | |
float |
text |
float |
timestamp |
float |
text |
[en] The account name |
float |
timestamp |
Accounts: contacts
Campo | Tipo | |
float |
float |
[en] Account ID |
float |
[en] Contact ID |
timestamp |
text |
[en] Job Title of the contact at the account |
timestamp |
Accounts: custom fields (data)
Campo | Tipo | |
float |
float |
[en] The ID of the account this field value relates to |
timestamp |
float |
[en] The ID of the custom field metum this field value relates to |
text |
[en] Currency code for the money value |
text |
[en] Values for the field |
timestamp |
Accounts: custom fields (meta)
Campo | Tipo | |
float |
float |
timestamp |
float |
[en] Order for displaying the field on Manage Fields page and deal profiles |
text |
[en] Default value of the field |
text |
text |
[en] Name of the field |
text |
[en] Options for the field. |
text |
[en] Type of field. Possible values are: text, textarea, date, datetime, dropdown, multiselect, radio, checkbox, hidden, currency, or number. |
float |
float |
[en] Whether or not the field is visible on forms |
float |
float |
text |
float |
timestamp |
Esta integração é gratuita
Accounts: notes
Campo | Tipo | |
float |
float |
timestamp |
float |
timestamp |
text |
float |
text |
float |
Campo | Tipo | |
float |
[en] id of the automation |
text |
float |
text |
float |
text |
float |
float |
text |
float |
float |
timestamp |
timestamp |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
text |
text |
text |
text |
timestamp |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
timestamp |
text |
float |
float |
float |
text |
text |
text |
text |
float |
text |
text |
text |
float |
float |
float |
float |
text |
float |
text |
text |
timestamp |
float |
text |
float |
float |
text |
float |
float |
float |
text |
float |
float |
text |
text |
float |
float |
float |
float |
text |
float |
text |
float |
float |
text |
float |
float |
float |
float |
text |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
Campaigns: messages
Campo | Tipo | |
float |
float |
[en] automation or campaign id |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
[en] message id |
float |
float |
float |
text |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
text |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
Campaigns: messages: content
Campo | Tipo | |
float |
[en] id of the message |
timestamp |
text |
float |
float |
text |
text |
text |
text |
float |
float |
text |
timestamp |
text |
text |
[en] Preheader Text |
text |
text |
float |
text |
[en] Reply email for the recipient to reply to |
text |
[en] Subject of message |
text |
[en] text of the mensage. Obs. 1000 charecters limit |
text |
float |
Nesta integração, você pode escolher o tipo de replicação de dados. Caso não remova dados da sua conta, selecione “incremental”. Utilize “integral” caso delete registros e queira que essas remoções sejam replicadas para o seu destino
Campo | Tipo | |
float |
timestamp |
float |
date |
float |
float |
timestamp |
timestamp |
timestamp |
float |
timestamp |
timestamp |
text |
[en] Email address of the new contact. |
text |
boolean |
text |
text |
[en] First name of the new contact. |
float |
text |
text |
text |
[en] Last name of the new contact. |
float |
float |
text |
text |
[en] Phone number of the contact. |
date |
text |
float |
timestamp |
text |
timestamp |
timestamp |
timestamp |
Contacts: custom fields (data)
Nesta integração, você pode escolher o tipo de replicação de dados. Caso não remova dados da sua conta, selecione “incremental”. Utilize “integral” caso delete registros e queira que essas remoções sejam replicadas para o seu destino
Campo | Tipo | |
float |
timestamp |
float |
[en] ID of the contact |
float |
[en] ID of the custom field |
float |
timestamp |
text |
[en] Value for the field |
Contacts: custom fields (meta)
Objeto principal
Campo | Tipo | |
float |
timestamp |
float |
float |
timestamp |
text |
[en] Default value of the field created |
text |
[en] Description of field being created |
float |
float |
[en] Order of appearance in ‘My Fields’ tab. |
text |
[en] The perstag that represents the field created |
float |
float |
text |
[en] Title of the field created |
text |
[en] Possible Values: dropdown, hidden, checkbox, date, text, datetime, textarea, NULL, listbox, radio |
timestamp |
float |
timestamp |
text |
[en] Possible Vales: nimble, contactually, mindbody, salesforce, highrise, google_spreadsheets, pipedrive, onepage, google_contacts, freshbooks, shopify, zendesk, etsy, NULL, bigcommerce, capsule, bigcommerce_oauth, sugarcrm, zohocrm, batchbook |
float |
[en] Show or hide this field when using the Form Builder |
Campo | Tipo | |
float |
float |
timestamp |
text |
float |
timestamp |
text |
Esta integração é gratuita
Contacts: list activity
Campo | Tipo | |
float |
[en] The activity id |
float |
text |
text |
float |
timestamp |
float |
text |
text |
text |
text |
text |
float |
text |
float |
timestamp |
float |
float |
float |
[en] Status in list: 0 to unconfirmed, 1 to subscribed, 2 to unsubscribed, 3 to bonced |
float |
timestamp |
text |
text |
timestamp |
Contacts: notes
Campo | Tipo | |
float |
[en] The note id |
timestamp |
float |
timestamp |
text |
float |
[en] The contact id |
text |
float |
[en] The user id |
Contacts: tasks
Campo | Tipo | |
float |
timestamp |
float |
[en] The id of an user the task is assigned to |
text |
timestamp |
timestamp |
timestamp |
float |
[en] The type of the task based on the available Task Types in the account |
text |
[en] Id of an automation that will be triggered when the task is completed. |
float |
timestamp |
timestamp |
[en] Due date of the task |
float |
timestamp |
text |
[en] The content describing the task |
float |
text |
text |
float |
[en] Id of relational object |
float |
[en] Task status means complete or incomplete. 1 is complete and 0 is incomplete. |
text |
[en] The title of the task |
timestamp |
timestamp |
float |
Nesta integração, você pode escolher o tipo de replicação de dados. Caso não remova dados da sua conta, selecione “incremental”. Utilize “integral” caso delete registros e queira que essas remoções sejam replicadas para o seu destino
Campo | Tipo | |
float |
float |
[en] Deals account id |
float |
timestamp |
float |
[en] Deal's primary contact's id. |
text |
[en] Deal's currency in 3-digit ISO format, lowercased. |
float |
text |
[en] Deal's description |
timestamp |
float |
[en] Deal's pipeline id. |
text |
boolean |
timestamp |
float |
timestamp |
float |
float |
float |
float |
[en] Deal's owner id. |
float |
[en] Deal's percentage. |
float |
[en] Deal's stage id. |
float |
[en] Deal's status. |
text |
[en] Deal's title. |
float |
[en] Deal's value in cents |
float |
timestamp |
Deals: activities
Campo | Tipo | |
float |
float |
timestamp |
float |
[en] Deal id |
float |
text |
float |
text |
text |
float |
float |
float |
timestamp |
float |
float |
Deals: custom fields (data)
Nesta integração, você pode escolher o tipo de replicação de dados. Caso não remova dados da sua conta, selecione “incremental”. Utilize “integral” caso delete registros e queira que essas remoções sejam replicadas para o seu destino
Campo | Tipo | |
float |
timestamp |
text |
float |
timestamp |
float |
float |
text |
text |
float |
float |
timestamp |
Deals: custom fields (meta)
Campo | Tipo | |
float |
float |
timestamp |
float |
[en] Order for displaying the field on Manage Fields page and deal profiles |
text |
[en] Default value of the field |
text |
[en] The 3-letter currency code of the default currency for the field. |
text |
[en] Name of the field |
text |
[en] Options for the field. |
text |
[en] Type of field. Possible values are: text, textarea, date, datetime, dropdown, multiselect, radio, checkbox, hidden, currency, or number. |
float |
float |
[en] Whether or not the field is visible on forms |
float |
float |
text |
float |
timestamp |
Esta integração é gratuita
Deals: secondary contacts
Campo | Tipo | |
float |
timestamp |
float |
[en] Contact's id |
timestamp |
float |
[en] Deal's id |
text |
timestamp |
Deals: tasks
Campo | Tipo | |
float |
timestamp |
float |
[en] The id of an user the task is assigned to |
text |
timestamp |
timestamp |
timestamp |
float |
[en] The type of the task based on the available Task Types in the account |
text |
[en] Id of an automation that will be triggered when the task is completed. |
float |
timestamp |
timestamp |
[en] Due date of the task |
float |
timestamp |
text |
[en] The content describing the task |
float |
text |
text |
float |
[en] Id of relational object |
float |
[en] Task status means complete or incomplete. 1 is complete and 0 is incomplete. |
text |
[en] The title of the task |
timestamp |
timestamp |
float |
Campo | Tipo | |
float |
text |
text |
text |
text |
[en] Comma-separated list of email addresses to send a copy of all mailings to upon send |
timestamp |
timestamp |
text |
text |
text |
float |
text |
[en] Name of the list to create |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
[en] Value indicating whether or not to send the last sent campaign to this list to a new subscriber upon subscribing. 1 = yes, 0 = no |
text |
text |
text |
text |
text |
text |
text |
[en] A reminder for your contacts as to why they are on this list and you are messaging them. |
text |
text |
[en] The website URL this list is for. |
text |
text |
[en] URL-safe list name. Example: 'list-name-sample' |
text |
[en] Comma-separated list of email addresses to notify when a new subscriber joins this list. |
text |
text |
text |
[en] Comma-separated list of email addresses to notify when a subscriber unsubscribes from this list. |
timestamp |
float |
[en] User Id of the list owner. |
Lists: contacts
Campo | Tipo | |
float |
text |
text |
text |
float |
[en] contact id |
timestamp |
text |
text |
text |
text |
text |
text |
float |
[en] list id |
text |
float |
timestamp |
float |
float |
float |
timestamp |
text |
text |
timestamp |
Objeto principal
Campo | Tipo | |
float |
[en] Pipeline Id |
float |
[en] When the pipeline is visible to all groups, 1 to true, 0 to false |
float |
[en] When the pipeline is visible to all users, 1 to true, 0 to false |
float |
timestamp |
text |
text |
timestamp |
timestamp |
Campo | Tipo | |
float |
[en] Pipeline Id |
float |
[en] Stage id |
text |
text |
text |
text |
text |
timestamp |
text |
text |
float |
text |
timestamp |
float |
Campo | Tipo | |
float |
timestamp |
text |
timestamp |
text |
[en] Score name |
text |
[en] value type contact or deal |
float |
Tasks: outcomes
Campo | Tipo | |
float |
[en] Outcome id |
float |
timestamp |
float |
[en] 1 is for disabled and 0 is for active outcome. |
text |
[en] Sentiment of the outcome.'POSITIVE, NEGATIVE or NEUTRAL' |
text |
[en] outcome title |
float |
timestamp |
Esta integração é gratuita
Tasks: types
Objeto principal
Campo | Tipo | |
float |
[en] Task type id |
timestamp |
float |
[en] id of user, if '0' or None is a pré build field |
timestamp |
float |
float |
float |
text |
timestamp |
float |
[en] id of user |
timestamp |
Campo | Tipo | |
float |
[en] Task type id |
float |
[en] Task outcome id |
float |
Esta integração é gratuita
User groups
Campo | Tipo | |
float |
text |
[en] Group description |
float |
[en] Whether or not to force optin confirm for this group |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
[en] Permission for manage automations |
float |
[en] Permission for managing contact actions |
float |
[en] Permission for adding contacts |
float |
[en] Permission for approving contacts |
float |
[en] Permission for deleting contacts |
float |
[en] Permission for editing contacts |
float |
[en] Permission for exporting contacts |
float |
[en] Permission for managing contact custom fields |
float |
[en] Permission for managing contact list segments |
float |
[en] Permission for importing contacts |
float |
[en] Permission for merging contacts |
float |
float |
[en] Permission for syncing contacts |
float |
[en] Permission for viewing deals |
float |
[en] Permission for deleting deals |
float |
float |
float |
[en] Permission for adding deal groups |
float |
[en] Permission for deleting deals groups |
float |
[en] Permission for editing deal groups |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
[en] Permission for reassigning deals |
float |
[en] Permission for editing subscription forms |
float |
[en] Permission for adding groups |
float |
[en] Permission for deleting groups |
float |
[en] Permission for adding groups |
float |
float |
[en] Permission for adding lists |
float |
[en] Permission for accessing list bounce settings |
float |
[en] Permission for deleting lists |
float |
[en] Permission for editing lists |
float |
[en] Permission for managing Unsubscribe By Email |
float |
[en] Permission for managing custom email headers |
float |
[en] Permission for adding messages |
float |
[en] Permission for deleting messages |
float |
[en] Permission for editing messages |
float |
[en] Permission for sending messages |
float |
float |
[en] Permission for adding personalization tags |
float |
[en] Permission for editing personalization tags |
float |
[en] |
float |
[en] Permission for viewing campaign reports |
float |
float |
[en] Permission for viewing list reports |
float |
[en] Permission for viewing trend reports |
float |
[en] Permission for viewing user reports |
float |
[en] Permission for managing saved responses |
float |
[en] Whether or not to show the (getting started) tutorial on overview page |
float |
[en] Campaign ID of last campaign report viewed to decide whether to show link on startup |
float |
[en] Permission for managing tags |
float |
[en] Permission for adding templates |
float |
[en] Permission for deleting templates |
float |
[en] Permission for editing templates |
float |
float |
[en] Permission for adding users |
float |
[en] Permission for deleting users |
float |
[en] Permission for editing users |
float |
[en] Whether or not this group requires all campaigns to be approved |
float |
[en] Whether or not this group requires first campaign to be approved |
text |
[en] Who to notify for approval related issues (email) |
timestamp |
float |
[en] Whether or not to show social links in campaigns sent from this group |
text |
[en] Title of the group |
float |
[en] Whether or not to force unsubscribe links |
Objeto principal
Campo | Tipo | |
float |
text |
[en] Username |
timestamp |
text |
[en] Email address |
text |
[en] First name |
text |
text |
[en] Last name |
text |
float |
timestamp |
text |
text |
timestamp |
Campo | Tipo | |
float |
timestamp |
float |
[en] Group id |
timestamp |
Contacts: tags
Campo | Tipo | |
float |
[en] ID of the contact |
float |
[en] ID of the association tag X contact |
text |
[en] Name of the tag |
text |
[en] Description of the tag |
float |
[en] ID of the tag |
timestamp |
text |
timestamp |
float |
text |
[en] Tag-type of the tag. Possible Values: template, contact |
timestamp |
timestamp |
text |
timestamp |
text |
timestamp |
Nesta integração, você pode escolher o tipo de replicação de dados. Caso não remova dados da sua conta, selecione “incremental”. Utilize “integral” caso delete registros e queira que essas remoções sejam replicadas para o seu destino. Os dados serão atualizados de acordo com a data de atualização dos contatos