O Linkedin é uma rede social para profissionais, que dentre as suas funcionalidades permite a criação de anúncios para criar visibilidade e impulsionar a sua empresa. A integração de dados do Linkedin Ads para o Data Warehouse criada pela Kondado possibilita que você tenha acesso aos seus dados de anúncios da ferramenta na sua nuvem analítica.
Adicionando o conector
- Para dados de anúncios:
- As contas de anúncios utilizadas devem fazer anúncios para páginas de empresas (Organizations), não para páginas de pessoas
- Certifique-se que você tem o devido acesso às contas de anúncio desejadas aqui: https://www.linkedin.com/campaignmanager/accounts
- Para dados orgânicos (páginas/organizações e posts):
- Você deve ter acesso de super administrador às páginas de organizações
Para automatizar o ETL do Linkedin com a Kondado para o seu banco de dados, siga os passos abaixo:
1) Na plataforma da Kondado, vá para a página de adicionar conectores e selecione o conector do Linkedin
2) Dê um nome para o seu conector e clique em “Sign in with Linkedin”

3) Insira suas informações de login e clique em “Sign in”

4) Você será direcionado para uma tela de permissões, onde deverá clicar “Permitir”

5) Ao ser redirecionado para a página do conector no app da Kondado basta salvar o conector e começar a integrar os seus dados do Linkedin no Data Lake ou Data Warehouse.
💡Veja aqui o guia das dúvidas mais comuns sobre as integrações do LinkedIn
- Contas de anúncios
- Detalhes das campanhas
- Detalhes dos criativos
- Detalhes dos grupos de campanhas
- Estatísticas de anúncios
- Estatísticas de anúncios de vídeo
- Estatísticas de conversão
- Informações das conversões
- Posts de organizações
- Páginas de organizações
Gráfico de relacionamento
Clique para ampliar
Contas de anúncios
Campo | Tipo | |
text |
[en] Unique internal ID representing the account |
text |
[en] ACTIVE – Account is active; this is the default state; CANCELED – Account has been permanently canceled; DRAFT – Account is in draft status, meaning it's not yet fully set up and it is not serving; PENDING_DELETION – Denotes that the account has been requested to be deleted that is currently pending; REMOVED – Denotes that the account was deleted, but must remain fetchable due to the existence of performance data. |
text |
[en] The entity on whose behalf the account is advertised. Must either be in the format urn:li:person:{id} (for persons) or urn:li:organization:{id} (for organizations). Only organization ad accounts are supported |
boolean |
[en] Indicates if the creative contact is notified when a creative has been rejected due to content |
text |
[en] The 3 character standard currency code such as USD for United States Dollar. Note: Advertisers selecting Brazilian Real (BRL) as a currency see their account budget, advertising bids, and spend in BRL, but their account is billed in USD. |
float |
float |
text |
[en] A label for the account |
boolean |
[en] Indicates if the campaign contact is notified when an associated campaign has been completed |
float |
boolean |
[en] Indicates if the campaign contact is notified about campaign optimization opportunities |
text |
[en] An array of enums with information about the account's system serving statuses. If an account is eligible for serving, then the array has a single element: RUNNABLE. Otherwise, the array contains one or more reasons why the account is not servable: STOPPED, BILLING_HOLD, ACCOUNT_TOTAL_BUDGET_HOLD, ACCOUNT_END_DATE_HOLD, RESTRICTED_HOLD |
boolean |
[en] Indicates if the creative contact is notified when a creative has been reviewed and approved |
text |
[en] BUSINESS (created via API) or ENTERPRISE (created by LinkedIn) |
Detalhes das campanhas
Campo | Tipo | |
text |
[en] Campaign ID |
text |
[en] The name of the campaign; primarily used to make it easier to reference a campaign and to recall its purpose |
text |
[en] ID identifying the advertising account associated with the campaign – calculated by Kondado from API field account |
text |
[en] An URN identifying the intended beneficiary of the advertising campaign such as a specific company or member |
text |
[en] An ID identifying the intended beneficiary of the advertising campaign such as a specific company or member – calculated by Kondado from API field associatedEntity |
text |
[en] URN identifying the campaign group associated with the campaign |
text |
[en] ID identifying the campaign group associated with the campaign – calculated by Kondado from API field campaignGroup |
boolean |
[en] Enable Audience Expansion for the campaign provides query expansion for certain targeting criteria |
timestamp |
timestamp |
text |
[en] *CPM*: Cost per thousand advertising impressions. If type=SPONSORED_INMAILS, cost per send (CPS) is measured as CPM x 1000; *CPC*: Cost per individual click on the associated link; *CPV*: Cost per view for video ads. |
text |
[en] *ROUND_ROBIN*: Rotate through available creatives to serve them as evenly as possible; *OPTIMIZED*: Bias selection taking into account such as expected performance. Not available for Message and Conversation Ads (type=SPONSORED_INMAILS) |
text |
[en] The ad format on campaign level. Read more: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/linkedin/marketing/integrations/ads/campaign-formats |
text |
[en] Locale of the campaign. An uppercase two-letter country code as defined by ISO-3166. |
text |
[en] Locale of the campaign. A lowercase two-letter language code as defined by ISO-3166. |
text |
[en] Campaign Objective type values. Read more: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/linkedin/marketing/integrations/ads-reporting/ad-budget-pricing-type-combinations |
boolean |
text |
[en] Determines how this campaign is optimized for spending. If this is not set, there is no optimization. Read more: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/linkedin/marketing/integrations/ads/account-structure/create-and-manage-campaigns?tabs=http#campaign-types-schema |
text |
[en] Identifies the pacing option used for the campaign. Possible values: *LIFETIME*: Lifetime pacing that optimizes campaign budget delivery throughout campaign`s lifetime |
timestamp |
[en] Scheduled date range to run associated creatives. Represents the exclusive (strictly less than) value in which to end the range. This field is optional. An unset field indicates an open range |
timestamp |
[en] Scheduled date range to run associated creatives. The start date must be non-null. Represents the inclusive (greater than or equal to) value in which to start the range |
text |
[en] Listing of values that determine whether or not a campaign may be served; unlike status, which is user-managed, the values are controlled by the service. This is a read-only field. Possible values are *RUNNABLE*: Campaign is eligible for serving; *STOPPED*: Campaign is currently not servable for reasons other than billing information, budgetary constraints, or termination dates. For instance, an campaign will be STOPPED if it has been PAUSED by the user; *ACCOUNT_TOTAL_BUDGET_HOLD*: Parent account total budget has been reached; *ACCOUNT_END_DATE_HOLD*: Parent account end date has been reached; *CAMPAIGN_START_DATE_HOLD*: Campaign start date is in the future; *CAMPAIGN_END_DATE_HOLD*: Campaign end date has been reached; *CAMPAIGN_TOTAL_BUDGET_HOLD*: Campaign total budget has been reached; *CAMPAIGN_AUDIENCE_COUNT_HOLD*: Campaign is on hold because it has an audience count lower than the threshold; *CAMPAIGN_GROUP_START_DATE_HOLD*: Campaign group start date is in the future; *CAMPAIGN_GROUP_END_DATE_HOLD*: Campaign Group end date is in the past; *CAMPAIGN_GROUP_TOTAL_BUDGET_HOLD*: Campaign group total budget has been reached; *CAMPAIGN_GROUP_STATUS_HOLD*: Campaign group status is on hold; *ACCOUNT_SERVING_HOLD*: Parent account is on hold and not eligible for serving; |
text |
[en] *ACTIVE*: Denotes that the campaign is fully servable; *PAUSED*: Denotes that the campaign meets all requirements to be served, but temporarily should not be; *ARCHIVED*: Denotes that the campaign is presently inactive, and should mostly be hidden in the UI until un-archived; *COMPLETED*: Denotes that the campaign has reached a specified budgetary or chronological limit; *CANCELED*: Denotes that the campaign has been permanently canceled, such as when an advertising account is permanently closed; *DRAFT*: Denotes that the campaign is still being edited and not eligible for serving. Some validation will be postponed until the campaign is activated |
boolean |
boolean |
[en] Flag showing whether this campaign is a test campaign, i.e., belongs to a test account. This is a read-only and immutable field that is set implicitly during creation based on whether the account is a Test Account or not |
float |
[en] Maximum amount to spend over the life of the campaign |
text |
[en] ISO currency code |
float |
[en] Maximum amount to spend per day |
text |
[en] ISO currency code |
text |
[en] *TEXT_AD*: Text-based ads that show up in the right column or top of the page on LinkedIn; *SPONSORED_UPDATES*: Native ads that promote a company`s content updates in the LinkedIn feed; *SPONSORED_INMAILS*: Personalized messages with a call-to-action button delivered to a LinkedIn`s member inbox; *DYNAMIC*: Ads that are dynamically personalized |
float |
[en] Amount to bid (for manual bidding) or amount which is the target cost (for target cost bidding) per click, impression, or other event depending on the pricing model. The amount of money as a real number string. The amount should be non-negative if the bidding strategy is manual bidding or target cost bidding. The default is 0 with the currency code set to match that of the associated account |
text |
[en] Amount to bid per click, impression, or other event depending on the pricing model. The default is 0 with the currency code set to match that of the associated account. ISO currency code |
text |
[en] Each entity has a version tag associated with it. The version tag is initiated to 1 when the entity is created. Each single update to the entity increases its version tag by 1 |
Detalhes dos grupos de campanhas
Campo | Tipo | |
text |
[en] Campaign Group ID |
text |
[en] URN identifying the advertising account associated with the Campaign Group |
text |
[en] ID identifying the advertising account associated with the Campaign Group – calculated by Kondado from API field account |
boolean |
[en] Flag that denotes whether the Campaign Group was created organically or was created to backfill existing campaigns. This is a system controlled field |
timestamp |
timestamp |
text |
[en] The name of the Campaign Group. Primarily used to make it easier to reference a Campaign Group and to recall its purpose |
timestamp |
[en] Represents the inclusive (greater than or equal to) value in which to start the range. This field is mandatory |
timestamp |
[en] Scheduled date range to run associated objects. The start date must be non-null. Represents the exclusive (strictly less than) value in which to end the range. This field is optional. An unset field here indicates an open range. If totalBudget is set, this field is mandatory |
text |
[en] Listing of values that determine whether or not a campaign within the campaign group may be served; unlike status, which is user-managed, the values are controlled by the service. This is a read-only field. Possible values are: *RUNNABLE*: Campaign group is currently active. Billing information, budgetary constraints, or start and end dates are valid; *STOPPED*: Campaign group is currently not eligible for serving for reasons other than billing information, budgetary constraints, or termination dates. For instance, a campaign group will be STOPPED if it has been canceled by the user, or it is marked as spam; *BILLING_HOLD*: Parent account is on billing hold; *ACCOUNT_TOTAL_BUDGET_HOLD*: Parent account total budget has been reached; *ACCOUNT_END_DATE_HOLD*: Parent account end date has been reached; *CAMPAIGN_GROUP_TOTAL_BUDGET_HOLD*: Campaign group total budget has been reached; *CAMPAIGN_GROUP_START_DATE_HOLD*: Campaign group start date is in the future; *CAMPAIGN_GROUP_END_DATE_HOLD*: Campaign group end date has been reached |
text |
[en] *ACTIVE*: Denotes that the Campaign Group is capable of serving ads, subject to run date and budget limitations (as well as any other limitations at the account or campaign level); *ARCHIVED*: Denotes that the Campaign Group is presently inactive, and should mostly be hidden in the UI until un-archived; *CANCELED*: Denotes that the Campaign Group has been permanently canceled and cannot be reactivated; *DRAFT*: Denotes Campaign Group is in a preliminary state and should temporarily not be served; *PAUSED*: Denotes that the Campaign Group meets all requirements to be served, but temporarily should not be |
boolean |
Detalhes dos criativos
Campo | Tipo | |
text |
[en] Unique ID for a creative |
text |
[en] This field is calculated by Kondado and should return the creative name as displayed in the UI. This field is in beta |
text |
text |
text |
text |
timestamp |
[en] Creation time |
timestamp |
[en] Time at which the creative was last modified |
text |
[en] A reference URN for this object to an external system, with semantics varying based on the creative type. SSU creative must contain a valid activity/share reference. If the activity/share has an associated company actor, it must match the parent campaign`s reference. SSU creative reference cannot be modified after creation. Reference is not applicable and is not set for text ad creative |
text |
[en] Creative review status. The review is absent (null) when the creative is in DRAFT state |
boolean |
[en] This indicates whether the creative is currently being served or not |
text |
[en] Creative user intended status. The creative intended status is set independently from parent entity status, but parent entity status overrides creative intended status in effect. For example, parent entity status may be PAUSED while creative status is ACTIVE, in which case the creative`s effective status is PAUSED, and not served. [ACTIVE] – Creative development is complete and the creative is available for review and can be served; [PAUSED] – Creative development is complete and the creative is current, but should temporarily not be served; [DRAFT] – Creative development is incomplete and may still be edited; [ARCHIVED] – Creative development is complete, but creative should not be served and should be separated from non-archived creatives in any UI; [CANCELLED] – The creative is permanently cancelled; [PENDING_DELETION] – Denotes that the creative has been requested to be deleted that is currently pending; [REMOVED] – Denotes that the creative was deleted, but must remain fetchable due to the existence of performance data. |
boolean |
Estatísticas de anúncios
Campo | Tipo | |
date |
text |
[en] Value of the conversions in the accounts local currency based on rules defined by the advertiser. Conversion value is set by the advertiser at a per conversion level, and aggregated across the query time range |
float |
[en] The count of positive reactions on Sponsored Content which can capture, like, interest, praise, and other responses |
text |
float |
[en] The count of likes. Sponsored Content only |
float |
[en] The count of opens of Sponsored Messaging ads. Sponsored Messaging ads only |
float |
[en] Total number of times users took a desired action after clicking on your ad. When conversions cannot be attributed to individual users, group level attribution or estimation may be used |
float |
[en] The number of times users shared contact info through the One Click Lead Gen for Sponsored Messaging ads. Sponsored Messaging ads only |
float |
[en] Total number of times users took a desired action after seeing your ad. When conversions cannot be attributed to individual users, group level attribution or estimation may be used |
float |
[en] The count of user interactions with the ad unit that do not fit into any other more specific category |
float |
[en] The count of follows. Sponsored Content and Follower ads only |
float |
[en] The count of leads generated through One Click Lead Gen |
float |
[en] The count of sends of Sponsored Messaging ads. Sponsored Messaging ads only |
text |
text |
text |
text |
float |
[en] This is the count of impressions for Sponsored Content and sends for Sponsored Messaging |
float |
[en] The count of comments. Sponsored Content only |
float |
[en] The count of shares. Sponsored Content only |
float |
[en] The count of chargeable clicks. Despite not charging for clicks for CPM campaigns, this field still represents those clicks for which we would otherwise charge advertisers based on objective (for example, clicks to view the landing page or company page) |
float |
[en] Total number of times users took a desired action after clicking on or seeing your ad. When conversions cannot be attributed to individual users, group level attribution or estimation may be used |
float |
[en] The count of all user interactions with the ad unit |
float |
[en] Cost in the accounts local currency based on the given date and broken down by campaign, campaign group, and creative. Cost is not adjusted for overdelivery |
float |
[en] The count of times users opened the lead form for a One Click Lead Gen campaign |
text |
text |
Estatísticas de conversão
Campo | Tipo | |
text |
[en] Value of the conversions in the accoun`s local currency based on rules defined by the advertiser. Conversion value is set by the advertiser at a per conversion level, and aggregated across the query time range. |
text |
float |
[en] The count of post-view conversions that are attributed to your ads driven by a viral impression |
float |
[en] The count of post-click conversions that are attributed to your ads driven by a viral click |
float |
[en] The count of post-view conversions that are attributed to your ads driven by a viral impression |
date |
text |
text |
text |
text |
float |
[en] The count of conversions that are attributed to your ads driven by a viral event |
float |
[en] The count of post-click conversions that are attributed to your ads driven by a viral click |
float |
[en] Total number of times users took a desired action after clicking on or seeing your ad. When conversions cannot be attributed to individual users, group level attribution or estimation may be used |
text |
text |
Informações das conversões
Objeto principal
Campo | Tipo | |
float |
text |
text |
text |
text |
text |
text |
float |
float |
boolean |
text |
float |
float |
float |
text |
Campo | Tipo | |
text |
float |
text |
text |
Estatísticas de anúncios de vídeo
Campo | Tipo | |
text |
[en] Value of the conversions in the account`s local currency based on rules defined by the advertiser. Conversion value is set by the advertiser at a per conversion level, and aggregated across the query time range |
text |
date |
text |
text |
text |
text |
float |
[en] This is the count of "impressions" for Sponsored Content and "sends" for Sponsored Messaging |
float |
[en] Cost in the account`s local currency |
text |
text |
float |
[en] The count of video ads that played 97-100% of the video. This includes watches that skipped to this point if the serving location is ON_SITE. |
float |
[en] The count of viral video ads that were started by users. Since viral videos are automatically played for ON_SITE |
float |
[en] A viral video ad playing for at least 2 continuous seconds 50% in-view, or a click on the CTA, whichever comes first. An interaction with the video (like going to full screen mode) does not count as a view. |
float |
[en] A video ad playing for at least 2 continuous seconds 50% in-view, or a click on the CTA, whichever comes first. An interaction with the video (like going to fullscreen mode) does not count as a view. |
float |
[en] The count of viral video ads that played through the third quartile of the video. This includes watches that skipped to this point |
float |
[en] Number of times members click on the full screen button or on the video(mobile only) to go into full screen mode. |
float |
[en] The count of video ads that played through the first quartile of the video. This includes watches that skipped to this point if the serving location is ON_SITE. |
float |
[en] The count of viral video ads that played 97-100% of the video. This includes watches that skipped to this point. |
float |
[en] The count of video ads that were started by users. |
float |
[en] The count of viral video ads that played through the midpoint of the video. This includes watches that skipped to this point. |
float |
[en] Number of times members click on the full screen button or on the video(mobile only) to go into full screen mode. |
float |
[en] The count of viral video ads that played through the midpoint of the video. This includes watches that skipped to this point. |
float |
[en] The count of viral video ads that played through the first quartile of the video. This includes watches that skipped to this point |
float |
[en] The count of video ads that played through the third quartile of the video. This includes watches that skipped to this point if the serving location is ON_SITE. |
Páginas de organizações
Campo | Tipo | |
date |
text |
text |
float |
float |
float |
[en] Number of unique impressions |
float |
[en] Number of shares |
float |
[en] Number of organic clicks, likes, comments, and shares over impressions |
float |
[en] Number of clicks |
float |
[en] Number of likes. This field can become negative when members who liked a sponsored share later unlike it. The like is not counted since it is not organic, but the unlike is counted as organic |
float |
[en] Number of impressions |
float |
[en] Number of comments |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
Esta integração está em modo beta
Por limitações da API do LinkedIn, o período máximo de consulta dos dados é de 1 ano (365 dias) para o período diário. Por isso, ao criar sua integração, este será o savepoint inicial. Esta integração suporta apenas company pages, não showcases
Posts de organizações
Objeto principal
Campo | Tipo | |
text |
[en] Unique id for this object |
text |
[en] The organizational entity URN |
text |
[en] The state of the content. The following values can be returned in responses: DRAFT – Represents content that is accessible only to the author and is not yet published; PUBLISHED – Represents content that is accessible to all entities. This is the only accepted field during creation; PUBLISH_REQUESTED – Represents content that has been submitted for publishing but is not yet ready for rendering; PUBLISH_FAILED – Represents content that has been submitted for publishing but was not processed. An edit is required in order to re-attempt publishing; |
text |
[en] Visibility restrictions on content. Type of MemberNetworkVisibility which has the values of: CONNECTIONS – Represents 1st degree network of owner. PUBLIC – Anyone can view this. LOGGED_IN – Viewable by logged in members only. CONTAINER – Visibility is delegated to the owner of the container entity. For example, posts within a group are delegated to the groups authorization API for visibility authorization. |
timestamp |
[en] The time at which this content was published |
timestamp |
[en] Time at which the resource was last modified |
text |
[en] Specifies the feeds distributed to within LinkedIn. NONE-Do not distribute within LinkedIn via feed. MAIN_FEED-Distribute to the flagship feed, and container entity feed if applicable |
text |
[en] The user generated commentary for the post |
boolean |
text |
[en] The content type of the post, based on https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/linkedin/marketing/integrations/community-management/shares/posts-api?view=li-lms-2023-02&tabs=curl#content [Calculated by Kondado]. Can be: text, media_image, media_video, media_other, poll, multi_image, article, carousel, unknown |
text |
[en] If content_type is media_image or media_video, shows the media URN |
text |
[en] If content_type is media_image or media_video, shows the media title (if provided) |
text |
[en] If content_type is media_image, shows the media URL. Requires the user to have permissions to read images [ https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/linkedin/marketing/integrations/community-management/shares/images-api?view=li-lms-2023-02&tabs=http#permissions ]. Empty if the user doens`t have enough permissions. The download URL expires, so if you need it to always be refreshed, use integral replication for the pipeline |
text |
[en] [Present if content_type=media_image and user has permission to read images https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/linkedin/marketing/integrations/community-management/shares/images-api?view=li-lms-2023-02&tabs=http#permissions] The URN of the entity that owns this asset. It can be a person(urn:li:person:123), organization(urn:li:organization:123) or sponsoredAccount(urn:li:sponsoredAccount:123) URN |
timestamp |
[en] [Present if content_type=media_image and user has permission to read images https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/linkedin/marketing/integrations/community-management/shares/images-api?view=li-lms-2023-02&tabs=http#permissions] Shows when content_media_image_download_url expires. If not present, it might never expire but there`s no guarantee. Unless the use case has a security+legal exception, all URLs have an expiration time. If they don't, they can still expire because URLs are signed, and the sign keys might be rotated. If a non expiring URL was signed with a key that gets invalidated, it essentially expires |
text |
[en] [Present if content_type=media_image] PROCESSING Asset is processing to generate missing artifacts. PROCESSING_FAILED – Processing failed due to client error such as file size too large, unsupported file format, internal error (e.g., performance issue, database error, network failure), or other issue. AVAILABLE – All of the recipe`s required artifacts are ready. The asset is available to be served. WAITING_UPLOAD Waiting for client to upload source file or uploading process to be completed. FORBIDDEN – The asset could not be read due to user`s lacking permissions |
float |
[en] [Present if content_type=media_video and user has permission to read videos https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/linkedin/marketing/integrations/community-management/shares/videos-api?view=li-lms-2023-02&tabs=http#permissions] The length of the video in milliseconds. It is empty if the media asset isn`t available, failed processing, or there is another issue. |
float |
[en] [Present if content_type=media_video and user has permission to read videos https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/linkedin/marketing/integrations/community-management/shares/videos-api?view=li-lms-2023-02&tabs=http#permissions] Aspect ratio width of the media. For media with a 16:9 ratio, it is 16. There might be decimal values for high density displays for a greater degree of precision. aspectRatioHeight and aspectRatioWidth would either both be present or both be null. It is empty if the media asset isn't available, failed processing, or there is another issue |
float |
[en] [Present if content_type=media_video and user has permission to read videos https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/linkedin/marketing/integrations/community-management/shares/videos-api?view=li-lms-2023-02&tabs=http#permissions] Media aspect ratio height. For media with a 16:9 ratio, it is a 9. There might be decimal values for high density displays for a greater degree of precision. aspectRatioHeight and aspectRatioWidth would either both be present or both be null. It is empty if the media asset isn't available, failed processing, or there is another issue |
text |
[en] [Present if content_type=media_video and user has permission to read videos https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/linkedin/marketing/integrations/community-management/shares/videos-api?view=li-lms-2023-02&tabs=http#permissions] URL to retrieve the thumbnail file. This URL expires. So use integral replication if you need it to be available more often |
text |
[en] [Present if content_type=media_video and user has permission to read videos https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/linkedin/marketing/integrations/community-management/shares/videos-api?view=li-lms-2023-02&tabs=http#permissions] Public URL to download/view the media asset. It will be empty if the media asset isn't available, failed processing, or there is another issue. This URL expires. So use integral replication if you need it to be available more often |
timestamp |
[en] [Present if content_type=media_video and user has permission to read videos https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/linkedin/marketing/integrations/community-management/shares/videos-api?view=li-lms-2023-02&tabs=http#permissions] when the identifier expires. If it is not present, it may never expire. Unless the use case has a security and legal exception, all URLs have an expiration time. If they don't, they can still expire because URLs are signed, and the sign keys may be rotated. If a non expiring URL was signed with a key that gets invalidated, it expires |
text |
[en] [Present if content_type=media_video and user has permission to read videos https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/linkedin/marketing/integrations/community-management/shares/videos-api?view=li-lms-2023-02&tabs=http#permissions] URN of the entity that owns this asset. Can be a person(urn:li:person:123), or organization(urn:li:organization:123) URN |
text |
[en] [Present if content_type=media_video] PROCESSING Asset is processing to generate missing artifacts. PROCESSING_FAILED Processing failed due to client error such as file size too large, unsupported file format, internal error (e.g., performance issue, database error, network failure), or other issue. AVAILABLE All of the recipe's required artifacts are ready. The asset is available to be served. WAITING_UPLOAD Waiting for client to upload source file or uploading process to be completed. FORBIDDEN: video info not be fetched due to lack of permissions (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/linkedin/marketing/integrations/community-management/shares/videos-api?view=li-lms-2023-02&tabs=http#permissions) |
text |
[en] [Present if content_type=poll] The selection type of votes on the poll. SINGLE_VOTE – Single-select vote. MULTIPLE_VOTE – Multiple-select vote (To be supported later in future) |
text |
[en] [Present if content_type=poll] Duration of poll being open for votes. It will close after the specified duration from creation time: ONE_DAY – Poll is open for 1 day; THREE_DAYS – Poll is open for 3 days; SEVEN_DAYS – Poll is open for 7 days; FOURTEEN_DAYS – Poll is open for 14 days |
boolean |
[en] [Present if content_type=poll] Poll author’s visibility to voters. Defaults to TRUE. Currently, FALSE is not supported |
float |
[en] [Present if content_type=poll] Number of unique voters on the poll |
text |
[en] [Present if content_type=poll] Question for the poll |
text |
[en] [Present if content_type=article] Custom or saved description of the article. If empty, there is none |
text |
[en] [Present if content_type=article] Custom or saved title of the article |
text |
[en] [Present if content_type=article] A URL of the article. Typically the URL that was ingested to maintain URL parameters. |
text |
[en] [Present if content_type=article] Alt text for the custom thumbnail. If empty, there is none |
text |
[en] [Present if content_type=article] Custom or saved thumbnail for the article. If empty, there is none |
text |
[en] [Present if content_type=article] Image of the thumbnail. Requires the user to have permissions to read images [ https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/linkedin/marketing/integrations/community-management/shares/images-api?view=li-lms-2023-02&tabs=http#permissions ]. Empty if the user doens`t have enough permissions. The download URL expires, so if you need it to always be refreshed, use integral replication for the pipeline |
float |
[en] Lifetime number of unique impressions |
float |
[en] Lifetime number of shares |
float |
[en] Lifetime number of organic clicks, likes, comments, and shares over impressions |
float |
[en] Lifetime number of clicks |
float |
[en] Lifetime number of likes. This field can become negative when members who liked a sponsored share later unlike it. The like is not counted since it is not organic, but the unlike is counted as organic |
float |
[en] Lifetime number of impressions |
float |
[en] Lifetime number of comments |
Campo | Tipo | |
text |
[en] Unique id for this object |
text |
[en] The organizational entity URN |
text |
[en] The hashtag |
Campo | Tipo | |
date |
text |
[en] Unique id for this object |
text |
[en] The organizational entity URN |
float |
[en] Number of unique impressions |
float |
[en] Number of shares |
float |
[en] Number of organic clicks, likes, comments, and shares over impressions |
float |
[en] Number of clicks |
float |
[en] Number of likes. This field can become negative when members who liked a sponsored share later unlike it. The like is not counted since it is not organic, but the unlike is counted as organic |
float |
[en] Number of impressions |
float |
[en] Number of comments |
Campo | Tipo | |
text |
[en] Unique id for this object |
text |
[en] The organizational entity URN |
text |
[en] Text to be rendered and displayed |
text |
[en] URN representing the entity to be mentioned. Can be a Person or Organization URN |
Campo | Tipo | |
text |
[en] Unique id for this object |
text |
[en] The organizational entity URN |
text |
[en] [Available if content_type = poll] Text describing the option |
boolean |
[en] [Available if content_type = poll] Whether the viewer [data source user] voted this poll option |
float |
[en] [Available if content_type = poll] Vote counts of the poll option. Missing if the viewer [data source user] of the poll is not allowed to view votes count on individual options based on visibility rules (e.g. viewer has not already voted on the poll) |
Campo | Tipo | |
text |
[en] Unique id for this object |
text |
[en] The organizational entity URN |
text |
[en] [Available if content_type = carousel] The web page that can be associated with the content and is opened when the member clicks on the content. For example, if the content is an image and the landing page is a web page then clicking on the image will take the member to the web page. If empty, then there is no landing page associated with the content |
text |
[en] [Available if content_type = carousel] The id of the media contained in the card |
text |
[en] [Available if content_type = carousel] The title of the media contained in the card |
text |
[en] [Available if content_type = carousel] Url to view the media contained in the card. Requires the user to have permissions to read images [ https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/linkedin/marketing/integrations/community-management/shares/images-api?view=li-lms-2023-02&tabs=http#permissions ]. Empty if the user doens`t have enough permissions. The download URL expires, so if you need it to always be refreshed, use integral replication for the pipeline |
Campo | Tipo | |
text |
[en] Unique id for this object |
text |
[en] The organizational entity URN |
text |
[en] If content_type is multi_image, shows the image_id |
text |
[en] If content_type is multi_image, shows the image title (if provided) |
text |
[en] If content_type is multi_image, shows the media URL. Requires the user to have permissions to read images [ https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/linkedin/marketing/integrations/community-management/shares/images-api?view=li-lms-2023-02&tabs=http#permissions ]. Empty if the user doens`t have enough permissions. The download URL expires, so if you need it to always be refreshed, use integral replication for the pipeline |
text |
[en] [Present if content_type=multi_image and user has permission to read images https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/linkedin/marketing/integrations/community-management/shares/images-api?view=li-lms-2023-02&tabs=http#permissions] The URN of the entity that owns this asset. It can be a person(urn:li:person:123), organization(urn:li:organization:123) or sponsoredAccount(urn:li:sponsoredAccount:123) URN |
timestamp |
[en] [Present if content_type=multi_image and user has permission to read images https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/linkedin/marketing/integrations/community-management/shares/images-api?view=li-lms-2023-02&tabs=http#permissions] Shows when content_media_image_download_url expires. If not present, it might never expire but there`s no guarantee. Unless the use case has a security+legal exception, all URLs have an expiration time. If they don't, they can still expire because URLs are signed, and the sign keys might be rotated. If a non expiring URL was signed with a key that gets invalidated, it essentially expires |
text |
[en] [Present if content_type=multi_image] PROCESSING Asset is processing to generate missing artifacts. PROCESSING_FAILED – Processing failed due to client error such as file size too large, unsupported file format, internal error (e.g., performance issue, database error, network failure), or other issue. AVAILABLE – All of the recipe`s required artifacts are ready. The asset is available to be served. WAITING_UPLOAD Waiting for client to upload source file or uploading process to be completed. FORBIDDEN – The asset could not be read due to user`s lacking permissions |
Por limitações da API do LinkedIn, o período máximo de consulta dos dados da estatísticas diárias é de 1 ano (365 dias). Esta integração suporta apenas company pages, não showcases
Os links para download e visualização de imagens e vídeos possuem um tempo de expiração após a leitura. Por isso, você pode utilizar essa integração também com replicação integral. Neste caso, os parâmetros de savepoint e janela de atualização não terão efeito algum
Esta integração está em modo beta