O Conta Azul é um software de gestão financeira para micro e pequenas empresas, cujo objetivo é dar ao empreendedor uma visão centralizada das principais áreas do seu negócio.
O ERP conta com uma gama completa de funcionalidades incluindo controles de contas a pagar e a receber, fluxo de caixa, vendas, emissão de boletos e NFe, conciliação bancária, DRE, frente de caixa… Além de possuir integração com diversos bancos e possibilitar a integração com o seu próprio contador, diminuindo muito o fluxo de documentos e burocracia nesse processo.
Tendo o ContaAzul um papel importante na gestão financeira do negócio, criar e acompanhar métricas com os dados gerados nele pode proporcionar ao empreendedor muitos insights sobre a saúde do seu negócio e como fazê-lo crescer.
Adicionando o conector
Para começar a analisar os dados do ContaAzul, integre-o ao seu banco de dados com o conector do ContaAzul na plataforma da Kondado, seguindo os passos abaixo:
1) Faça login na plataforma da Kondado

2) Vá para a página de adição de conectores e selecione o conector do ContaAzul
3) Após selecionar o conector do ContaAzul você será direcionado uma página de autorização onde encontrará um diálogo similar ao abaixo, clique em Autorizar

4) Após autorizar, você será redirecionado para a plataforma da Kondado, onde as informações do conector serão preenchidas automaticamente durante alguns instantes. Após o preenchimento, finalize a criação do conector conforme figura e passos abaixo
- Dê um nome ao seu conector (por exemplo, ContaAzul Kondado)
- Clique em Salvar

Este conector não pode ser reautenticado após criado. Caso precise reautenticar, é necessário criar um novo conector e editar suas integrações para que utilizem o conector novo
Gráfico de relacionamento
Clique para ampliar
Campo | Tipo | |
text |
[en] The business phone number of the customer |
text |
[en] The mobile phone number of the customer |
text |
[en] The name of the customer |
text |
[en] The identity document number of the customer – is equivalent to 'RG' |
text |
[en] The customer's notes and additional information |
text |
[en] The state registration number of the customer – 'Inscrição estadual' |
text |
[en] The state registration type of the state registration number: NO_CONTRIBUTOR: is equivalent to 'Não contribuinte'; CONTRIBUTOR: is equivalent to 'Contribuinte'; IMMUNE_CONTRIBUTOR: is equivalent to 'Contribuinte isento' |
text |
[en] The email of the customer |
text |
[en] The type of the customer: NATURAL is equivalent to 'Pessoa Física'; LEGAL is equivalent to 'Pessoa Jurídica' |
timestamp |
[en] The customer's date of birth |
text |
[en] The company name of the customer when the type of the customer is LEGAL |
text |
[en] The city of the address |
text |
[en] The neighborhood of the address |
text |
[en] The complement of the address |
text |
[en] The street name of the address |
text |
[en] The state of the address |
text |
[en] The street name of the address |
text |
[en] The zip code of the address – is equivalent to 'CEP' |
timestamp |
[en] The customer's creation date |
text |
[en] The document number of the customer – is equivalent to 'CPF/CNPJ' |
text |
[en] The id of the customer |
text |
[en] The city registration number of the customer – 'Inscrição municipal' |
Objeto principal
Campo | Tipo | |
text |
[en] Status information of the sale – PENDING : is equivalent to 'Revisão Pendente' COMMITTED : is equivalent to 'Venda' |
boolean |
[en] Informs if it is a scheduled sale |
timestamp |
[en] The emission date of the sale |
float |
[en] A number generated for the sale |
text |
[en] The measure unit of the discount Can be PERCENT or VALUE |
float |
[en] The rate of the discount |
float |
[en] Shipping cost of the sale |
float |
[en] The total value of the salue |
text |
[en] The type of the payment – CASH : is equivalent to 'Pagamento à vista' TIMES : is equivalent to 'Pagamento Parcelado' Can be CASH or TIMES |
text |
[en] The type of the customer NATURAL is equivalent to 'Pessoa Física' LEGAL is equivalent to 'Pessoa Jurídica' Can be NATURAL or LEGAL |
text |
[en] The company name of the customer when the type of the customer is LEGAL |
text |
[en] The email of the customer |
text |
[en] The id of the customer |
text |
[en] The name of the customer |
text |
[en] Additional information about the sale |
text |
[en] The id of the sale |
text |
[en] The id of the seller |
text |
[en] The name of the seller |
Campo | Tipo | |
text |
text |
[en] The status of the installment. The possible values are: PENDING : the installment is PENDING payment |
timestamp |
[en] The due date of the installment |
float |
[en] The number of the installment |
float |
[en] The value of the installment |
Itens das vendas
Campo | Tipo | |
float |
[en] The cost value of the item |
text |
[en] The id of the item |
float |
[en] The sell value of the item |
text |
[en] The name of the item |
text |
[en] The type of the item – can be Product or Service |
text |
[en] The type of the item – can be Product or Service |
float |
[en] The value of the negotiation item |
float |
[en] The quantity of items |
text |
[en] The id of the sale |
Campo | Tipo | |
text |
[en] The id of the supplier |
text |
[en] The city of the address |
text |
[en] The complement of the address |
text |
[en] The neighborhood of the address |
text |
[en] The street number of the address |
text |
[en] The state of the address |
text |
[en] The street name of the address |
text |
[en] The zip code of the address – is equivalent to 'CEP' |
text |
[en] The business phone number of the supplier |
text |
[en] The city registration number of the supplier – 'Inscrição municipal' |
text |
[en] The company name of the supplier when the type of the supplier is LEGAL |
text |
[en] The name of the contact |
timestamp |
[en] The supplier's date of birth |
text |
[en] The document number of the supplier – is equivalent to 'CPF/CNPJ' |
text |
[en] The email of the supplier |
text |
[en] The supplier's foreign id |
text |
[en] The identity document number of the supplier – is equivalent to 'RG' |
text |
[en] The mobile phone number of the supplier |
text |
[en] The name of the supplier |
text |
[en] The supplier's notes and additional information |
text |
[en] The type of the supplier NATURAL is equivalent to 'Pessoa Física' LEGAL is equivalent to 'Pessoa Jurídica' Can be NATURAL or LEGAL |
text |
[en] The state registration number of the supplier – 'Inscrição estadual' |
text |
[en] The state registration type of the state registration number NO_CONTRIBUTOR : is equivalent to 'Não contribuinte' CONTRIBUTOR : is equivalent to 'Contribuinte' IMMUNE_CONTRIBUTOR : is equivalent to 'Contribuinte isento' Can be NO_CONTRIBUTOR , CONTRIBUTOR or IMMUNE_CONTRIBUTOR |
Campo | Tipo | |
text |
[en] The id of the service |
text |
[en] The name of the service |
float |
[en] The value of the service |
float |
[en] The cost of the service |
text |
[en] The code of the service, a organization field that accepts any string |
Campo | Tipo | |
text |
[en] The id of the product |
text |
[en] The name of the product |
float |
[en] The sell value of the product |
float |
[en] The cost value of the product |
text |
[en] The code of the product, a organization field that accepts any string |
text |
[en] The barcode of the product – 'EAN' |
float |
[en] The quantity of available products in stock |
text |
[en] The NCM code of the product |
text |
[en] The CEST code of the product |
text |
[en] The net weight of the product |
text |
[en] The gross weight of the product |
text |
[en] The symbol of the unit measure |
text |
[en] The id of the product's category |
text |
[en] The name of the product's category |