Baseado na documentação da API do zendesk
O Zendesk é uma das maiores e mais famosas ferramentas de Customer Service do mundo. O seu objetivo é transformar a comunicação das empresas com os seus clientes, através de suas features de gestão de tickets dos mais diversos canais como telefone, chat, e-mail e mídias sociais.
Além de possuir integração com diversas outras ferramentas, uma das grandes vantagens para os usuários do Zendesk é a vasta possibilidade de extração de métricas e KPIs que sua integração provém, criando inúmeras possibilidades de análises de tickets, satisfação de clientes, e até produtividade dos agentes.
Adicionando o conector
- Siga os passos com um acesso de Owner/Administrador
- Caso a sua conta do Zendesk tenha habilitado o bloqueio de IPs para acesso, libere também os IPs da Kondado
Para criar a sua integração com os dados do Zendesk na plataforma da Kondado, siga os passos abaixo
1) Entre na sua conta do zendesk com um acesso de Owner/Administrator
2) Uma vez na sua conta, selecione na barra lateral esquerda o ícone da engrenagem (configurações), depois vá em Canais e depois API

3) Em APIs, habilite o acesso por token e, depois, clique em adicionar novo

4) Na página de edição do novo token, dê um nome para ele (por exemplo, integração Kondado), copie o valor gerado e clique em Salvar

5) Na plataforma da Kondado, acesse a página de adição de novos conectores e selecione o conector do Zendesk
6) Preencha as informações da imagem abaixo da seguinte forma:
- Nome: o nome da sua integração, por exemplo, “Zendesk”
- E-mail (Owner) o e-mail do Owner da conta do Zendesk
- Token: O token gerado no passo (4)
- Sub-domínio: o seu subdomínio do zendesk. Por exemplo, se o seu endereço no zendesk é, o seu subdomínio é empresa

Clique em Salvar e o seu conector estará configurado
Caso a sua conta do Zendesk tenha habilitado o bloqueio de IPs para acesso, libere também os IPs da Kondado
Caso a sua conta do Zendesk tenha habilitado o bloqueio de IPs para acesso, libere também os IPs da Kondado
- Closed and Deleted Tickets
- Eventos das métricas dos tickets
- Grupos
- Histórico dos tickets
- Links Jira
- Métricas dos tickets
- Organizações
- Pesquisas de satisfação (notas)
- Tickets
- Usuários
Gráfico de relacionamento
Clique para ampliar
Campo | Tipo | |
text |
[en] Automatically assigned when the user is created |
text |
[en] The user's tags. Only present if your account has user tagging enabled |
text |
[en] The locale for this user |
boolean |
[en] If the user is a shared agent from a different Zendesk Support instance. Ticket sharing accounts only |
timestamp |
[en] The time the user was last updated |
boolean |
[en] If the agent has any restrictions; false for admins and unrestricted agents, true for other agents |
text |
[en] The id of the user's organization. If the user has more than one organization memberships |
text |
[en] The primary phone number of this user |
text |
[en] A custom role if the user is an agent on the Enterprise plan or above |
timestamp |
[en] Last time the user signed in to Zendesk Support or made an API request using an API token or basic authentication |
text |
[en] The user's role id. 0 for a custom agent, 1 for a light agent, 2 for a chat agent, 3 for a chat agent added to the Support account as a contributor ( Chat Phase 4 ), 4 for an admin, and 5 for a billing admin |
text |
[en] The id of the user's default group |
boolean |
[en] If the agent is suspended. Tickets from suspended users are also suspended, and these users cannot sign in to the end user portal |
boolean |
[en] Whether or not the user can access the CSV report on the Search tab of the Reporting page in the Support admin interface. See Analyzing Help Center search results in Help Center. Only available on the Support Professional or Suite Growth plan or above |
boolean |
[en] false if the user has been deleted |
boolean |
[en] If two factor authentication is enabled |
text |
[en] Any notes you want to store about the user |
text |
[en] The time zone for the user |
boolean |
[en] Designates whether the user has forum moderation capabilities |
boolean |
[en] Any of the user's identities is verified |
text |
[en] The user's name |
boolean |
[en] true if the user can only create private comments |
text |
[en] The user's API url |
timestamp |
[en] The time the user was created |
text |
[en] The user's time zone |
text |
[en] Whether the phone number is shared or not |
text |
[en] An alias displayed to end users |
text |
[en] The user's role. Possible values are 'end-user', 'agent', or 'admin' |
text |
[en] Any details you want to store about the user, such as an address |
text |
[en] The user's signature. Only agents and admins can have signatures |
boolean |
[en] If the user is shared from a different Zendesk Support instance. Ticket sharing accounts only |
text |
[en] A unique identifier from another system, case sensitive. Example: 'ian1' and 'Ian1' are different users |
text |
[en] The user's primary email address |
boolean |
[en] Whether or not the user is a chat-only agent |
text |
[en] Specifies which tickets the user has access to. Possible values are: "organization", "groups", "assigned", "requested", null |
Objeto principal
Campo | Tipo | |
text |
[en] Automatically assigned when the ticket is created |
text |
[en] The state of the ticket. Allowed values are "new", "open", "pending", "hold", "solved", or "closed" |
text |
[en] The ids of agents currently following the ticket. See CCs and followers resources |
text |
[en] The ids of agents currently following the ticket. See CCs and followers resources |
text |
text |
text |
text |
text |
text |
[en] Read-only first comment on the ticket |
text |
[en] The array of tags applied to this ticket |
text |
[en] For tickets of type "incident", the ID of the problem the incident is linked to |
boolean |
[en] Is false if channelback is disabled, true otherwise. Only applicable for channels framework ticket |
timestamp |
[en] When this record last got updated |
text |
[en] The user who submitted the ticket. The submitter always becomes the author of the first comment on the ticket |
text |
[en] The agent currently assigned to the ticket |
text |
[en] Enterprise only. The id of the brand this ticket is associated with |
timestamp |
[en] If this is a ticket of type "task" it has a due date |
text |
[en] The satisfaction rating of the ticket, if it exists, or the state of satisfaction, "offered" or "unoffered". The value is null for plan types that don't support CSAT |
boolean |
[en] Is true if any comments are public, false otherwise |
text |
[en] The user who requested this ticket |
text |
[en] The topic in the Zendesk Web portal this ticket originated from, if any. The Web portal is deprecated |
text |
[en] The original recipient e-mail address of the ticket. Notification emails for the ticket are sent from this address |
text |
[en] The value of the subject field for this ticket |
text |
[en] The organization of the requester. You can only specify the ID of an organization associated with the requester |
text |
[en] The API url of this ticket |
text |
[en] The type of this ticket. Allowed values are "problem", "incident", "question", or "task" |
timestamp |
[en] When this record was created |
text |
[en] The ids of the sharing agreements used for this ticket |
boolean |
[en] Permission for agents to add add attachments to a comment |
text |
[en] The ids of the followups created from this ticket. Ids are only visible once the ticket is closed |
text |
[en] The ids of users currently CC'ed on the ticket |
text |
[en] The urgency with which the ticket should be addressed. Allowed values are "urgent", "high", "normal", or "low" |
text |
[en] The dynamic content placeholder, if present, or the "subject" value, if not |
text |
[en] The ids of agents or end users currently CC'ed on the ticket |
boolean |
[en] Is true if a ticket is a problem type and has one or more incidents linked to it. Otherwise, the value is false. |
text |
[en] The group this ticket is assigned to |
text |
[en] An id you can use to link Zendesk Support tickets to local records |
Campo | Tipo | |
text |
[en] ID of the ticket |
text |
[en] ID of the field |
text |
[en] Title of the field |
text |
[en] Value of the field |
Histórico dos tickets
Objeto principal
Campo | Tipo | |
text |
text |
text |
text |
text |
text |
text |
timestamp |
[en] The time the audit was created |
text |
[en] The ID of the associated ticket |
text |
[en] The user who created the audit |
text |
[en] Automatically assigned when creating audits |
float |
text |
text |
text |
float |
Campo | Tipo | |
text |
[en] ID of the parent audit |
text |
text |
text |
Campo | Tipo | |
text |
[en] Automatically assigned when the organization is created |
boolean |
[en] End users in this organization are able to see each other's comments on tickets |
timestamp |
[en] The time of the last update of the organization |
text |
[en] The time of the last update of the organization |
boolean |
[en] End users in this organization are able to see each other's tickets |
text |
[en] A unique name for the organization |
text |
[en] The API url of this organization |
text |
[en] Custom fields for this organization |
timestamp |
[en] The time the organization was created |
text |
[en] The tags of the organization |
text |
[en] Any details obout the organization, such as the address |
text |
[en] New tickets from users in this organization are automatically put in this group |
text |
[en] A unique external id to associate organizations to an external record. The id is case-insensitive. For example, "company1" and "Company1" are considered the same |
text |
[en] Any notes you have about the organization |
Métricas dos tickets
Campo | Tipo | |
text |
[en] Id of the associated ticket |
text |
[en] ID of the ticket metric |
timestamp |
[en] When the record was last updated |
timestamp |
[en] When the ticket was solved |
int |
[en] The number of public replies added to a ticket by an agent |
float |
[en] Number of minutes to the full resolution during calendar hours |
float |
[en] Number of minutes to the full resolution during business hours |
float |
[en] Number of minutes on hold during calendar hours |
float |
[en] Number of minutes on hold during business hours |
timestamp |
[en] When the status of the ticket was last updated |
float |
[en] Number of assignees the ticket had |
timestamp |
[en] When the requester last updated the ticket |
timestamp |
[en] When the ticket was initially assigned |
float |
[en] Number of groups the ticket passed through |
float |
[en] Number of minutes to the first resolution time during calendar hours |
float |
[en] Number of minutes to the first resolution time during business hours |
timestamp |
[en] When the ticket was assigned |
timestamp |
[en] When the latest comment was added |
float |
[en] Number of minutes to the first reply during calendar hours |
float |
[en] Number of minutes to the first reply during business hours |
text |
[en] The API url of the ticket metric |
timestamp |
[en] When the record was created |
timestamp |
[en] When the assignee last updated the ticket |
float |
[en] Total number of times the ticket was reopened |
float |
[en] Number of minutes the requester spent waiting during calendar hours |
float |
[en] Number of minutes the requester spent waiting during business hours |
float |
[en] Number of minutes the agent spent waiting during calendar hours |
float |
[en] Number of minutes the agent spent waiting during business hours |
Links Jira
Campo | Tipo | |
text |
[en] Automatically assigned when the link is created |
text |
[en] The id of the Zendesk ticket |
text |
[en] The id of the Jira issue |
text |
[en] The key for the Jira issue |
text |
[en] An url to get the link details |
timestamp |
[en] The time at which the link was created |
timestamp |
[en] The time at which the link was last updated |
Pesquisas de satisfação (notas)
Campo | Tipo | |
text |
[en] Automatically assigned upon creation |
text |
[en] The comment received with this rating, if available |
text |
[en] The id of agent assigned to at the time of rating |
text |
[en] The rating "offered", "unoffered", "good" or "bad" |
text |
[en] The id of ticket being rated |
text |
[en] The id of ticket requester submitting the rating |
text |
[en] The API url of this rating |
timestamp |
[en] The time the satisfaction rating got created |
text |
[en] The id of group assigned to at the time of rating |
timestamp |
[en] The time the satisfaction rating got updated |
Campo | Tipo | |
float |
[en] Automatically assigned when creating groups |
timestamp |
[en] The time of the last update of the group |
boolean |
[en] If the group is the default one for the account |
text |
[en] The name of the group |
text |
[en] The API url of the group |
timestamp |
[en] The time the group was created |
boolean |
[en] Deleted groups get marked as such |
text |
[en] The description of the group |
Closed and Deleted Tickets
Objeto principal
Campo | Tipo | |
text |
[en] Automatically assigned when the ticket is created |
text |
[en] The state of the ticket. Allowed values are "new", "open", "pending", "hold", "solved", or "closed" |
text |
[en] The ids of agents currently following the ticket. See CCs and followers resources |
text |
[en] The ids of agents currently following the ticket. See CCs and followers resources |
text |
text |
text |
text |
text |
text |
[en] Read-only first comment on the ticket |
text |
[en] The array of tags applied to this ticket |
text |
[en] For tickets of type "incident", the ID of the problem the incident is linked to |
boolean |
[en] Is false if channelback is disabled, true otherwise. Only applicable for channels framework ticket |
timestamp |
[en] When this record last got updated |
text |
[en] The user who submitted the ticket. The submitter always becomes the author of the first comment on the ticket |
text |
[en] The agent currently assigned to the ticket |
text |
[en] Enterprise only. The id of the brand this ticket is associated with |
timestamp |
[en] If this is a ticket of type "task" it has a due date |
text |
[en] The satisfaction rating of the ticket, if it exists, or the state of satisfaction, "offered" or "unoffered". The value is null for plan types that don't support CSAT |
boolean |
[en] Is true if any comments are public, false otherwise |
text |
[en] The user who requested this ticket |
text |
[en] The topic in the Zendesk Web portal this ticket originated from, if any. The Web portal is deprecated |
text |
[en] The original recipient e-mail address of the ticket. Notification emails for the ticket are sent from this address |
text |
[en] The value of the subject field for this ticket |
text |
[en] The organization of the requester. You can only specify the ID of an organization associated with the requester |
text |
[en] The API url of this ticket |
text |
[en] The type of this ticket. Allowed values are "problem", "incident", "question", or "task" |
timestamp |
[en] When this record was created |
text |
[en] The ids of the sharing agreements used for this ticket |
boolean |
[en] Permission for agents to add add attachments to a comment |
text |
[en] The ids of the followups created from this ticket. Ids are only visible once the ticket is closed |
text |
[en] The ids of users currently CC'ed on the ticket |
text |
[en] The urgency with which the ticket should be addressed. Allowed values are "urgent", "high", "normal", or "low" |
text |
[en] The dynamic content placeholder, if present, or the "subject" value, if not |
text |
[en] The ids of agents or end users currently CC'ed on the ticket |
boolean |
[en] Is true if a ticket is a problem type and has one or more incidents linked to it. Otherwise, the value is false. |
text |
[en] The group this ticket is assigned to |
text |
[en] An id you can use to link Zendesk Support tickets to local records |
Campo | Tipo | |
text |
[en] ID of the ticket |
text |
[en] ID of the field |
text |
[en] Title of the field |
text |
[en] Value of the field |
Eventos das métricas dos tickets
Campo | Tipo | |
text |
[en] Automatically assigned when the record is created |
boolean |
[en] Available if type is breach. In general, you can ignore any breach event when deleted is true |
boolean |
text |
text |
text |
[en] Available if type is apply_group_sla. The id of the Group SLA policy being enforced on the ticket and metric in question, if any |
float |
[en] Available if type is apply_group_sla. The Group SLA target being enforced on the ticket and metric in question, if any |
text |
[en] The instance of the metric associated with the event. Each instance of a metric event that can occur more than once per ticket, such as the reply_time event. The value increments over the lifetime of the ticket |
text |
[en] The metric being tracked: agent_work_time,pausable_update_time,periodic_update_time,reply_time,requester_wait_time, or resolution_time |
boolean |
text |
text |
text |
[en] Available if type is apply_sla. The id of the SLA policy being enforced on the ticket and metric in question, if any |
float |
[en] Available if type is apply_sla. The SLA target being enforced on the ticket and metric in question, if any |
float |
[en] Available if type is update_status. Number of minutes in business hours since the metric has been open |
float |
[en] Available if type is update_status. Number of minutes in calendar hours since the metric has been open |
text |
[en] Id of the associated ticket |
timestamp |
[en] The time the event occurred |
text |
[en] The type of the metric event: activate, pause, fulfill, apply_sla, breach, update_status, or measure. |